As I sat down to fill out an officer application yesterday morning - TopicsExpress


As I sat down to fill out an officer application yesterday morning at Branch Area Career Center.pushing to be an officer of BPA (BUSINESS PROFFESIONALS OF AMERICA) I proved a point to myself. Taking the 3-4 minutes to jott down the activities and leadership positions Ive been able to be a part of, I kinda shocked myself. From SADD, Environmental club, Spirit club, Spanishclub, Key club, class officer through middle school and as a freshman, Secretary of Environmental club this year, Colon Community Schools student representative, Colon Community Schools bond student representative/student decision, Colon Community Schools reproductive health student representative (2A66) ....The list goes on. I realized God has a plan for all of us whether Its showing us through one leadership position, one activity at a time. Dont ever give up on yourself because HE will Always be by your side.... push yourself to the fullest to become who you want to become. President position for BPA btw (:
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 22:55:10 +0000

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