As I sat working on my lessons this morning I began thinking about - TopicsExpress


As I sat working on my lessons this morning I began thinking about my teachers over the years. I had my parents teach me. I had elementary teachers, junior hi teachers, high school teachers, college teachers, graduate school teachers and Bible class teachers. I had many different experiences (some not so good) in my life that taught me many lessons. I have had many different kinds of teachers through the years. I am sure that you could list many teachers in your life also. As I look around I keep learning from many different things. But the most unique teachers I have had are my children and my grandchildren. The lessons from being a dad and a “Papaw” have been endless and impacting. For example: When my kids were young they taught me that I should never, ever say no to a gift from a child. When Kelsey, my granddaughter, was just a baby, I was blessed to keep her several days a week. She taught me that a child falling asleep in my arms is one of the most peaceful things on earth. When I got to first meet all of my grandchildren, when they were babies, they taught me I was hooked as soon as that child grabbed my little finger with their whole hand. Through it all, I have learned that it is the small, daily things that make my life pretty amazing. So, to “coin a phrase”, stop and smell the roses now. It is amazing where your teachers will come from and what you might learn. Oh yeah, one final note: I have also realized that life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. Have a great day!!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 19:32:35 +0000

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