As I seek answers in life and to lifes questions and trials, and - TopicsExpress


As I seek answers in life and to lifes questions and trials, and then I dont find any, sometimes it is very frustrating. But then I remember that sometimes there are no answers, and the hurt sometimes has to happen for God to be glorified. That ultimately is the answer to all questions honestly, for God to be glorified. That is what we were put here for, and the end result of everything both good and bad, in light and darkness. Even with that said, it doesnt remove the hurt and the pain of the trials, or offer any sort of fix for emotions so permanently damaged that you are only left with difficult choices ahead. Im also reminded that without trials and pain, we cant recognize the good, and the glory of God. The trials are supposed to strengthen our faith and eventually draw us closer to God. Even so, just being forced to sit idly by not being able to comfort someone who is hurting so deeply that it will probably never go away really challenges me to the core of my being. Guys always want to fix it, and this is not fixable. But again, this is where you just have to pray and let God sort it out. Which leads me to...
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:28:35 +0000

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