As I set here again in the hospital with mom, over the past 11 - TopicsExpress


As I set here again in the hospital with mom, over the past 11 weeks I have had a lot of time to think, maybe too much time, I ask all healthcare professionals to remember that patients are so much more than the illness that has taken control of their life, and the lives of their loved ones! We are not difficult, we are not hateful, we are not mean, we are not seeking to make your shift hell!! What we are, we are moms, grandmothers, dads, grandfathers, sisters, brothers, children who are in pain physically, mentally, and emotionally , we are stressed to the max, we wonder what we are going to do, we have to work, but cant because someone has to take care of our loved one that can no longer care for themselves, we are missing ball games, and special events in the lives of our children and grandchildren, we wonder how we are going all the medical bills, not to mention the everyday bills, that dont stop because we or our loved one is sick, we are the sick patient who not only is battling sickness and pain, but we are stressed and worried because now we are a burden to our family, they have to miss work, miss activities with their children and grandchildren , we are causing medical bills to pile up, we are now dependent on them to do for us the very basics, take us to the bathroom, prepare our meals, bath us, we have lost all dignity, not to mention we are ill! The illness, the disease has become secondary to us, what has become primary is the disruption to our daily life, the change it has caused, the loss we have suffered, and dear healthcare professional sometimes, just sometimes all this was dealt to us by a healthcare professionals error . As a nurse I have been guilty of dreading dealing with that patient and or family member from hell How my eyes have been opened!!!! I pray that all of this makes me a better nurse and may I always first remember that my patients and their families are dealing with so much more than just the disease process!!!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 19:54:58 +0000

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