As I sit and ponder the workings of the universe and take - TopicsExpress


As I sit and ponder the workings of the universe and take inventory of my life and those in it in the REAL WORLD, I am left clueless as to why I put such investment into a)things that dont matter or have relevance to my life and family, b) things that arent in the real world, and c) things that wont change. Ever. No matter what. An old prayer of sorts comes to mind and I realize that I have lost sight of its meaning. And its truth. God, grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change... COURAGE to change the things I can... And the WISDOM to know the difference. No one can accuse me of not having the courage to stand up for what is right and to give 110% towards making a change for the better. However, wisdom and serenity are things I have run short of lately. Rather than continue to beat my head against a wall, ACCEPTING that some things will NEVER change or get better is what I will turn my focus toward. And turn my efforts toward making a difference to those things that I CAN affect in a positive way. This will greatly increase my SERENITY, because its too much to be bothered with the repetitive nonsense and banter and downward spiral of things that remain the same despite the most earnest of efforts. And knowing the difference between what is worth my time and efforts and what is not is where the WISDOM comes in. Time and time again... Same ol same ol... SSDD. I have heard I told ya so more often than I care to admit and you know what?!?! Ok!!! They were right!!! Its a lost least where Im concerned. So with a heaping dose of WISDOM, I can rest assured that I have fought the good fight and done the right thing to the very end. Which is here and now. I am through with a one woman campaign with a bunch of two faced,lying, back stabbing, thieving, cheating, fake, phony, wannabe,small town, nobodies who crave nothing but their 15 minutes of fame(if you can call such local-ness fame) and dont care who they hurt or discard or use and abuse in the process. When I can no longer find 1 redeeming character or quality within the ranks of what I am fighting for, then it is time to lay down the sword...or the pen, so to speak. And I cannot find anything of substance left. There is nothing genuine or altruistic of the entire lot. And therefore my cause is lost and my time and energies are wasted. And I CHOOSE(without provocation or coercion) to give up the struggle. To throw in the towel... Oh theres plenty of fight left in me. Dont think for a minute I am beaten or defeated-- although the haters will have to adopt that mentality to resolve their loss in their minds. So be it. I know that I have UNLIMITED potential and resources available for a good cause. And if I get tired or run down, I just fuel back up with some POWERADE... But for now, its time to shift the focus back to my life and those in it who matter. And none of the make believe characters qualify any longer. For the haters, its not a victory for you. Its my win. I dont have to be bothered by anymore lies or deceit or threats or games or BS!!! And I dont waste anymore of precious time on nothing. AND I can give of myself to worthwhile causes which have fallen by the wayside in this farce. For those of you who have joined the cause or stood behind it and me, I thank you and do what you must regarding the circumstances. For me... Its curtain call. Theres another stage and another playground...and theyre everywhere. Not just in NC..!! Thanks ... Keepin it real! Stayin TRUE to myself Just not worth it anymore.... Miss A
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 03:26:12 +0000

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