As I sit at my computer doing one of the seemingly endless amount - TopicsExpress


As I sit at my computer doing one of the seemingly endless amount of tasks I must complete before literally nodding off because I had to, not wanted to, the phone rings. Im thinking its Kellie Flowerdew, because its like, 10:15p.m. No, it was a neurosurgical center number, so I answer feeling a bit concerned. This woman on the other line begins speaking about how she was sorry she had to cut me short but there was so much going on and so many in the room that she needed to wait until she could focus. I tried to tell her that she had the wrong number and my name was Danielle. She laughed and said Well thats who I called and you cant change who you are now. Now THAT intrigued me because at this point I realized she was a bit loopy and confused, but it made me laugh so I decide to go ahead and listen as she goes on...... Ultimately I was her daughter and from what I could gather this woman had just come out of surgery/recovery of some sort and was returning a call to her daughter. So she goes on to ask me how I am and I tell her I am well, all is well, are you well? She responds that she is burdened because the doc feels that all toes must go but her hubby (who she really talks smack about and is feisty with, just as I am with Ivan) and son were pushing to try to save toes. However, she really didnt feel that it would be a good choice because if the infection returns its back to the O.R. table and re-living the surgery over. So here I am, listening to this woman about her toes and her concerns and confusion. I think about my grandpa, where it started with gangrene in a toe that was removed, then it spread to more which were removed, then to the foot and each time it just kept spreading until he lost the entire leg. I think he had like three or four amputations. Now, I cant tell her this because she thinks Im her kid and so I now think of dear Josie Lucero Salazar and how happy I was that she made the choice for a double mastectomy, even though the cancer was in only one breast. I tell her that its the same as breast cancer. If it starts in one breast it might go to another unless nipped in the bud right away. She agrees, and giggles. This woman thanks me for thinking like her, calls me hita, and tells me how happy she is that someone is on her side. At this point, I must acknowledge that her cell phone was ringing off the hook and I could hear her husband telling her that her daughter was calling and he read the number but she just kept on and on with me. So I say to her, you know, its ultimately your decision. I explained that I felt her gut was telling her something and that Im very much a go with the gut kind of gal. She mentioned her hubby and son trying to save the toes and how she felt like she was crazy that no one agreed with her. I continued on to tell her that they were not the ones who would be on the table. She laughed and laughed with me. She joked of earning a nickname like Stumpy or Frankenfoot. She said Yep. I will earn a new name and when I get better we will do the dance of joy! She thought it would be fine to learn to get around again and that ultimately it might be cool to get a walker because she could use it as a weapon against the hubby when he gets on her nerves! She said that she would whack him and if he kept on, well then he must want to get hurt!!! :) At this point I am rolling with laughter, yet almost in tears. We spoke of pairing up, the two of us, and trying to take over the world. Im in charge of economics and she the materials. She said, its like your dad and bro with my toes, people may not like us but theyll have to because weve got all the goods! She said wed be the dynamic duo. I dont know why, but this conversation was almost an hour and I didnt even know her! I tried to tell her that I was not her daughter, her own hubby even did but we continued the conversation. Thinking I was daughter she blessed me, wished me good sleep, and told me she loved me. I reciprocated with the same in a genuine way, knowing she was loopy and confused. Finally, I recalled the number the hubby kept saying. Worried, that the daughter/mother might confuse the situation later, I called it. I felt nervous that it was so late, almost 11:00 p.m. now. A woman answers and Im like, ummmm, this might sound strange but do you have a relative in a hospital right now? She said yes.... so I told her my story. She was very sweet, kind, and blessed me for doing such a nice thing. She said most people would hang up, and they would have. But no, this was all to meant to be for me in the weirdest ways that I dont even really understand yet......but I know it was meaningful. How fabulous the spirit of this woman. I guess thats what captivated me. To face such an adversity with confidence, bravery, and humor. To savor her goodwill over the grief of it all. What a great life lesson, and I think I shall remember that moment forevermore. I wish this woman, and her family the very best. And when they snip, snip, snip the toes (her joking words at one point), I know that mentally she will be o.k. with it. Bless you to, funny lady I dont know. Bless you too! :)
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 07:59:57 +0000

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