As I sit her on the eve of my daughters eighth birthday I reflect - TopicsExpress


As I sit her on the eve of my daughters eighth birthday I reflect back to the day she was born. I cant believe that eight years have passed already as it seems like just yesterday she was born. I remember our first night home with her and hearing her cry (more like scream) all night as she didnt like to sleep. I looked at my husband and said what did we do? lol Little did I realize that as we were trying to adjust to this little human she was trying to adjust to this huge world that she was just brought into. Time passed and she grew into a beautiful happy baby. A first year full of milestones that lead into us having a toddler. Our toddler brought wonderful times and experiences to our lives and before long we had a pre-schooler. Wow, my baby was not really a baby any longer but a gentle, inquisitive little girl asking question after question after question! Her first day of school came shortly after that and she branched into a growing world of eduction that would and will shape who she will become. Now here she is in grade three and I now see an intelligent lovely girl that Im so very proud to call my daughter. She has changed our lives in so many ways and made us better people in this every changing journey in life. So on the eve of my daughters eighth birthday I not only reflect back on the past eight years and wonder where the time went but also look towards the future in anticipation of seeing my daughter grow into the wonderful young woman she will become. Happy early birthday to my darling daughter Josie. Mommy and daddy love you very much.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 01:09:48 +0000

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