As I sit here I wont lie my world is crashing down around me. My - TopicsExpress


As I sit here I wont lie my world is crashing down around me. My mind is filled with so much information, so many statistics, so much unknown. My heart is beyond heavy and the aching for my son is beginning to take its toll. I look at him and I see him as a baby but yet a grown young man. So fragile but yet so strong. How can one young boys life be riddled with so much in such a short amount of time? How can a childhood be taken, given back for such a short while and then what little he has left be taken again? Dear Lord I believe but I need your strength to guide me through any doubt or unbelief that may cross my mind and heart at times. We have so much support and so many prayers this time than the last time its encouraging and heart warming to see people we dont even know touched and getting down on their knees in support and honor of my son. So many people wanting to help but like myself are truly helpless. I look at my son and I see his days wasting away in a bed because he lacks the strength to get up and be a normal child. I know there are many things in life we are not to understand, and I have accepted that. I dealt with it the last time he was a baby and I didnt ask any questions I just accepted and leaned on you for support, guidance, and gave my complete trust to you. Lord I ask you to please have mercy on Joshua, please allow him to live the long prosporous life that you meant for him to live. I ask that you please ease his aches and pains, and please give him strength, the strength that he needs to fight the devil that is invading our lives. I ask that you please wrap your arms around my baby and not only protect him from the devil and any ill wishes that were spoken upon him from others but also to heal to the point to where he doesnt need a marrow transplant and to a point where the chemo is effective and working the way it needs to be in order for him to sustain his life cancer free. I believe that everything happens for a reason even if we dont quite understand your reasoning at the time. I have faith and trust that you will guide us through this storm as we take your hand as we did once before down the path and you lift us up over any attempts that the devil may have plans for and protect us from his evil. The devil was once an angel, until you cast him to hell and I ask again that you cast him and his demons back to where they came from and out of our lives and away from my son. I ask that you fill our hearts with nothing more than trust in you and take away any fear and doubt the devil may try to place in our heads. I know the devil lives to find ways to enter into ones life, but I also know that you are bigger than him and more powerful than anything he may throw at us. We need your encouragement and love to get through this. In Jesus name I pray AMEN.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 23:38:19 +0000

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