As I sit here laughing hysterically at the things that happened - TopicsExpress


As I sit here laughing hysterically at the things that happened today, I know that serving God is so amazing!!!!! His people are amazing and I cant imagine doing anything else with my life. Serving God becomes an awesome adventure everyday as realized how blessed we are, we love fiercely, dream big, and serve Him fearlessly. Gods people that enjoy knowing who God is are undeniably the MOST enjoyable people to be around!!! I was talking to a friend this afternoon and she said, Ive lived my whole life and never felt anything like this before. See, once you turn your life over to Jesus Christ, you can begin to see everything in color when before life was in shades of grey. Is life then perfect? Of course not! But its all in knowing who we are in Christ and we trust Him in those difficult moments knowing that ALL THINGS work together for good for those that love Him. He is now in control of our lives and having peace in difficult moments is easy when we stay connected with Him. We serve a BIG BIG God. Nothing is impossible for our All Knowing God.!!! Nothing!!! And we need NOT fear for He is in control of every aspect of our lives and His love is limitless!!! Make a choice to be an adventurous child of the One True King by serving and loving fiercely with no expectation of love in return. Know that our God has not never failed us and He wont start now. And as I write this Note to self: SMILE! It was a great day!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 04:31:13 +0000

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