As I sit here reflecting in the final hours of 2014, I am I awe at - TopicsExpress


As I sit here reflecting in the final hours of 2014, I am I awe at the many blessings. I look at these before and after pics and I just cant remember being the person in these pictures. I wonder how I ever let myself get to this point? Why did I let food control my life. I remember moving though life thinking of my next meal at all times. I would wake up thinking of food and what I was going to eat through out the day. My turning point happened out of fear! A little over 2 years ago I was having dinner with a friend. I took my 2 year old son out of his highchair to get ready to leave the restaurant. The front door of the establishment was open and he shot out the front door toward the street. I ran as fast as I could drag my 304 lb body to save my son. I managed to catch him by catching a lock of his hair and pulled him back. But it was so close. I almost didnt catch my baby. I was so out of shape and had let myself go that my babies life was put at risk. I came home that night and cried with my husband about how guilty I felt for not being able to keep up with them. It was then I made the decision to change my life. 2 weeks later I had weight-loss surgery and lost 100 lbs. in 6 months. But then it abruptly stopped. For months I continued to feed my body healthy, protein rich foods through out the day. I was also training for a half marathon. At this point I was up to 4-6 miles a day, but no matter what I ate or how much I exercised I simply quit losing. My friend Heather asked me if I wanted to try this pink drink she was selling. So I decided to sign up wholesale and my mom and I would both start Plexus. Well low and behold the first week I lost 7 lbs..... seriously? My body was so out of balance. Plexus slim was balancing my body and I finally started losing weight again. Not only was I losing weight, but I felt better. My hair started growing back and my body started changing shape. Plexus was burning FAT and NOT MUSCLE!!! Over the next 6 months I went on to lose 40 lbs and was able to fulfill my dream of running a half marathon. The natural energy I feel from finally balancing my body is so awesome. I can run and play with my kids, being a better mom. Most days I have more energy than they do.... One year ago today I decided to share my love of Plexus. I felt like it was so amazing that it just had to be shared. This has been an unbelievable dream! There have been so many lives changed forever. I truly believe that this amazing blessing was placed in my life in his timing and in his plans. There are no words for the thankfulness I feel. There is no adjectives that can describe its awesomeness! All I know is that I love helping my friends and family get healthy. It has become my passion and for that I am eternally great-full. Finally, I know what validation feels like. It feels like home, like finally knowing where you belong. I wish you all an amazingly blessed 2015 filled with love, family, friends, and service! Happy New Year my friends!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 05:12:34 +0000

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