As I sit here this Thanksgiving morning I consider what - TopicsExpress


As I sit here this Thanksgiving morning I consider what Thanksgiving really means. While singing at the community Thanksgiving service at FUMC Sunday night it came to me that the litany of things we usually profess to give thanks for are all blessings for which we are grateful. Giving thanks, or expressing Thanksgiving means that we thank God and praise Him for His goodness and mercy and all of our blessings. Because we are grateful we acknowledge Him by our words, deeds, prayers and songs. I have so much for which to be thankful. My mother is close by watching a parade. Rich is still sleeping upstairs. Laura and my siblings are all preparing parts of our Thanksgiving meal and will soon be here. Stephanie is not here today but I feel her presence with me and we will be back together tomorrow. I slept in a warm, dry and comfortable bed and went to sleep with a full stomach. I have the medicine I need and wonderful doctors and nurses who care for me and my health. And even as I sing praises for so many blessings, I cant help but think of those who do not have even the basics of food, shelter and health care. I think of my father who will not be with us. I think of close friends who have recently been lost to us and the grieving spouses and families left behind. In the midst of gratitude, thankfulness and blessings there is so much pain and loss. There are too many empty places at too many tables. And even as we grieve we should give thanks that we had the chance to love and know the ones we have lost. Empty places at our tables should be filled with the blessing of loving memories and the honor and glory we give to those we have lost. To all of you I wish a happy Thanksgiving. May you be surrounded by the warmth of love, family and good friends. Give thanks.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 16:18:46 +0000

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