As I sit here tonight thinking back to this time last Sunday night - TopicsExpress


As I sit here tonight thinking back to this time last Sunday night arriving at the hospital to find out my brother had already passed away, I am still in disbelief that he is gone, no longer here. Take it from me, dont let anything go unsaid--if you have a strained relationship with a family member or a friend, try & fix it...dont may not get that chance!! Chris & I did not have the best relationship but I loved him & I know he loved me. My prayer is that he is at peace now--I do know he is not battling or sick anymore. RIP Chris--I love you!!! 💜 Those of you that know me well, know that I am not one that will ask for help. I am truly at a loss for words for the outpouring of support from friends, family, & even strangers that have generously offered help to Kevin & myself after finding out that my brother had no life insurance. I wish I knew everyone who has had a hand in anything that has been done for us over the last week, but no way I can recall everyone. I do want to thank my awesome pastor Mac Atkinson Jr & his entire family for loving us the way you do--thank you too for the beautiful tribute you delivered at my brothers funeral 💜 also to our wonderful church family & those who prepared food for us. Then to Victor N. Webster, you are one of the most generous persons I have ever met. Before Friday, Victor really did not know me, but took it upon himself to organize, along with many others including my cousin Jerry Lee, fundraisers this past weekend to help us offset some of the funeral expenses. You guys, Sam & Kathy Funderburk, anyone who donated & took part, will never understand how much we appreciate all you did for us. Thanks for all of the phone calls, texts & FB messages that were sent to me--it has helped me a lot....not sure I deserve it all but very thankful to all of you!!!! My best friend Amy Floyd, not sure what I would do without you--you havent left my side all week--I love you very much!!!! And last but not least, I thank God everyday for my Kevin & my two complete me & are definitely my rock--you both have helped me thru some of the most difficult times Ive had to face in my life--I love you two more than words can say!!!!! 💜💜💜
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 02:11:05 +0000

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