As I start to drive to brosna this morning .i stop at Fealesbridge - TopicsExpress


As I start to drive to brosna this morning .i stop at Fealesbridge i look at the beauiful magastic River feale as it makes its way through the parish of brosna .and i say to myself the sun is out the boys in tangerie will win .i jump in to my car and before i know it i reach the famous hilltop village is awash with bunttin and flags blowing gently in the cool frosty air from every house and i c beauiful posters and signs of best wishes to the team and managment from the local public houses and local ceolthas . as i drive to the top of village i duly arrive at pairc na feile and i see its corder off just for players and managment and medical team of both teams.but across the road they have a car park set up for patrons like myself .i decicde that i will park it down from the field . i park the car jump out and i walk towards the field .as i enter the field i stop and look around and i c the beauiful faciltes they have and i c the the Brosna Gaa and MillStreet Gaa and the Tricolour blowing in the wind tat has picked up .as i make my way to my seat in the stand i get the beauiful match the people come in to the stand and take there seats i c there is a big crowd to support both teams .and as Ann Marie Fitzgerald was ready to sign the national athemn .it come over the public address tat the games as being put back 10 mins to leave more patrons in to see the game.and and before the game we obervse a mintues silnce for a few recent berivments .and Ann Marie sang the Anthemn with Gusto .The ball was thrown in and we were away Game was on and Brosna Gaa win the throw inn and and r quickly on the attack and shot by Tom Mc Goldrick falls short and in to the hands of the goalkeeper. and as the game ebb and flowned up and down the field it was the men from Duhallow were that got the first score on the the fanastic electronic scoreborad with time and everthing . scores for the local team were hard to come by.after 5mins gone and and a break in play i say to to man beside me the great Willie McAuliffe that brosna look Nerous and not settling and he totally agreed with me.with ten minutes gone and the boys of the blackwater were three points up to no scoreand up stepped Tom McGoldrick with a great point to settle the men tangerie and white. brosna started to settle and great fielding by shane curtin and Dave Curtin and some fanastic play by Eammon Kiely sent in a great high ball that was won by the full forward Mike Finnegan and with one swivl and move the ball was in the net Game on and the local support led by Gabe and john sullivan well feeling alot better after that and its a lead tat brosna never losted for the reminder of this hard fought game .the cork champions were very guilty of some wasteful shot selection but true to cork football back they came up the field and with the Cork hurler in there Team Mark Ellis got a great point to bring both teams level with 22 mins gone in the first half.some great support play by Tom Fitzgerald and Eamonn Kiely setup the hard working Adam Barry for a sweet point of hes left foot from the terrace side of the field at this stage there was not munch between the sides .that man again tom Mc Goldrick got another pointed free and and see below me in the stand i cud see hes son claping hes hands in hes moms arms and saying thats daddy mom .so after shane curtin wins a great ball in the middle of field and lays off a great ball to Adam Barry and as Adam skips away hes hauled down by Millstreets midfielder .as there shouts from behind me in the stand the referee David Grogan has no choice to send him off with a black Card .with boos and disputes from the millstreet backroom team he gives Brosna a free with the resulting free it fielded by Timmy Finnegan and he lays off a great ball to hes captain Don McAuliffe and over the the black spot it goes and brosna are three up as we enter injury time things are looking very good for the the clock ticks away and millstreet make a final raid on the dressing room goals they get a free 40 yards out but with abit of proesting from the homeside the ref moves the ball forwad and there free taker last years cork junior player Michael Vaughan duely slotted the ball over the bar .Conor Kiely kicked the resulting kick out the ref called for the ball Half time Brosna GAA 1gl 5pts millstreet 4pts and has the teams head for the dressing room those fanastic local supporters led by Karen McCuiliffe and Linda Downey and linda,s Mother Margaret Downey cheer in there men to the dressing room.As i look around this fanastic field and its Great Facsiltes i would think there is 2500 men and woman and children supporting there teams. As part of the half time entertainment we are enterduce to the young boys and girls of Brosna National School as they get their county medals from County star Anthony Maher are we looking at the future stars of the tangerie and white i wonder ?As the two teams entered the field i see a very proud face come across willie macs face and he tells me tat hes young grandson Michael won a medal and and i congrulate him and like the true Brosna man he says to me we have noting won yet there a second half to be won . and off we go second half on the ball is throwned inn Dave Curtin wins the ball breaks a few tackles lays off the ball to the very indusrial Tom Mc Goldrick and he duly slots it over the bar .but next ball millstreet win at midfield by tat man again Mark ellis and goes off in a fine solo and sendsa great ball in to hes now center forward and he puts it it over the bar three point game again .we get no score for a gud bit seems brosna are starting to slow up the ball and seem the apporch the game in the second half what we have we hold this can be a dangerous game to play . and true to form after missing a few chances millstreet got two points and i cud see down below me Mike Broderick a selector was going up and down the field urgeing on hes men but true to form Jimmy Keane Bainsteoir didnt get worried but sent on Jonathon ODonnell for the injured captain Don Mc Cuillfe and young Patrick the Dancer O Keefe on for Peter Curtin who had covered every plain of grass in this Fanastic field ,and like star Donaghy the Big Man O Donnell rose highest over friend and foe in the corner of the field on the stand side and laid of the the ball to the running Adam Barry and from diffulant angle and over thirty meters high and over the ball went .look like brosna had weathered the storm.but i know there would be some kick in this millstreet team and down the field they got a great point and at this stage both teams sense the game was in the melting pot and went some hard hits and tackles the scores seem to dry up . up steped tat man again what a great servent Tom Mc Goldrick has being .he layed of the ball after shipping a few heavy tackles he layed of the ball to young O keefee and like the Dancer he is he danced away and scored a sweet point of hes left foot looks like the insurance point to meet .but this millstreet them are not gone away yet back they come and get a point again its 26 mins gone in the clock and tat man again gets another point from play from the terrace side of the field great point .and it looks like millstreet look gone but they havnt and with a second black card offence looked to me furastion more than anything but the ref saw otherwise and off went mark ellis .time was nearly up and millstreet got another point from there center back . ref says there will be at least two minutes of injury time its all hands on deck by the local team some great defenise play and interstimping by Aaron Cahill keeps millstreet at bay .but the ref demends some brosna player fouls the ball r a player free in even a goal wont save them now i feel the local players line the goals and Michael Vaughan steps up takes the shot but it drifs off left and wide ref calls for the ball whistles sounds game over brosna are through to there first junior final against Glin of limerick in two weeks time. I honestly think those three wise men of Brosna Gaa will be bringing the gifs to brosna this year to them i salute you take a bow lads Jimmy keane ,Mike Moriaty and that everygreen man man Mike Broderick .and finally i wud personally thank the people of brosna young and old who welecome me to brosna today and those those great people like liam jerry curtin and jimmy keane tat wanted me to have tea are coffee and soup and samwhiches afterwards with them very munch aperictaed thank you all for a most enjoyable afternoon in the hillside village of Brosna and by the way if u need a hair hair cut are ladies ye the hair coloured are cut call to the Brosna Barbers and Jenny Mc Cuillfee will look after your every need . it was fanastic to meet that fanastic inperstional young wonan Joanne O Riordan today after than game up the kingdom joanne girl
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 20:54:31 +0000

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