As I stood behind this pulpit tonight preaching my sermon to an - TopicsExpress


As I stood behind this pulpit tonight preaching my sermon to an empty room. I began thinking of how silly I would look to anyone who happened to peer in from the outside and see me preaching to no-one. However, I am not preaching to no one. From the first sermon I ever delivered it has always been my practice to preach my sermons out loud at least once prior to Sunday morning. At first this was due to a feeling of inadequacy in my ability to speak in public ( which has only been heightened over time) and was something of a practice run. I continue my practice to this day but for a different reason. Saturday night is when I preach the sermon that God has given to me that particular week to myself. It is my conviction that I dont bring that message to the people until that message has thoroughly had its way with me. It is my prayer that the words I hear from my own mouth would not be my own but the voice of The Lord. It is my prayer that God would burden me for obedience to His Word first. That God would break my heart with His Truth first. My passion for preaching the Truth on the Lords day comes from God making that Truth real to me as He reminds me of what Christ has accomplished on my behalf and what He now requires of me from His Word. It is also a reminder of the desperate need of the Spirit of God in preaching. Apart from a move of the Spirit of God there is as much of a chance of someone coming to salvation or being encouraged to persevere with these chairs empty as when they are full! This causes me to begin worship long before these seats are full so that I might be able to lead the Saints of GLC headlong into the worship of our great God come Sunday morning. So I may look foolish to those peering in from the outside as I am preaching to no one. But I gladly take that risk for the glory of God. As I look at these empty chairs I cant help but think of the faces and names that will soon fill them. I pray that God would begin stirring their hearts tonight so that when we come together it would truly be to worship our creator, redeemer, and Lord.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 04:49:33 +0000

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