As I try to do with anything (when I use my brain/lol) it is with - TopicsExpress


As I try to do with anything (when I use my brain/lol) it is with prayer that I ask GOD to guide my words for me, with this FB post!! True repentance has a double aspect – it looks upon things past with a weeping eye and upon the future with a watchful eye!! As everyone goes though pain and heartbreak in life, I have much compassion. I also want to thank those that have, do and are helping me, been here for me, and have been true friends to me during my time!! Life is hard, and none of us will get out of this ALIVE!! As, I have faced a very difficult time in my life of late, and still trying to manage my way through it, I have come to understand, people are just who they are, we can’t change them, and we shouldn’t try. We should LOVE each other, and yes, just as GOD tells us, even thy enemies. Evil is around us everywhere, the devil works through us to do as much damage as possible, it pleases him. Be careful, it’s easy to allow those things that seem so pleasing, to be so utterly displeasing to GOD!! We are human, so, that makes us weak, we are flesh…it’s very difficult when we go through a nasty breakup from someone we have, and still love. It is also very difficult for our loved ones, and our friends. It is so important to try our best to understand this fact. When we are hurt, and in pain, it changes us, it distorts our views, and it can cause us to become unhinged, and make choices we might not normally make. However, it can also be a gift…because GOD makes no mistakes…WE are going through these challenges for a reason. I embrace this reason, and I also pray, if anyone is facing difficulties, and life just seems to keep knocking you down; maybe you should try and ask GOD…”What might I be doing that is displeasing to you?” try Romans 12-2….someone close to me pointed this out a few years ago, and I too have tried to pass this truth on, as I believe GOD wants US all to do!! It’s powerful, and it applies TO ALL OF US!! It is most unfortunate that sometimes, we must let people go, so that we can move forward. I understand, and I have to do the same. My prayer is that we all learn to be more kind, more understanding, and be REAL with each other!! Dishonesty and lack of integrity are not for me to judge of someone, it is GOD that will do that. I will always be myself, even if it means, telling someone how they have made me feel, (because WE own our feelings, no one can tell US, YOU ARE WRONG to feel that way!!) I will always pray for them. As anyone that is my FB friend knows, I am KIMMA…I love being ME…I Love my family, and cherish them. I love my chosen family, I cherish them. I love my friends, and I cherish them as well!! If someone truly believes that playing childish games, and being anything other than I have spoken of above, GOD BLESS YOU ALL…I’m praying for you. If I have offended, then I ask that you please pray for me too!! Just also know I’m ME…& if you want to use FB as a way to try to hurt me, or discard me, THAT’S OK TOO, I assure you, I have NOT lost any sleep over this type of common behavior!! GOD BLESS US ALL…AMEN
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 16:02:08 +0000

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