As I was driving home from State College today, I realized that - TopicsExpress


As I was driving home from State College today, I realized that fall is here in full swing. It was the leaves changing colors that really made it sink in that its actually October. I thought about the reason the leaves turn the beautiful colors that they do. And I realized that people and these trees arent so different. In the fall, the leaves begin to breakdown their clorophyll (which is what gives them their green color) and begin to show other pigments from various sugars found within the leaves. So only when the leaves begin to struggle do they really become beautiful; showing what theyre really made of. And through their struggle we all stop and admire them, for what they are adapting too; just as we will stop and see those that are struggling among our peers. As the struggle continues the leaves eventually lose all of their pigments, turning brown and falling off their branches. They have hit their low point. The tree then endures a winter, which can be weak or strong. But, no matter the intensity the tree comes back in the spring, with new life. Gradually becoming strong, healthy, and green once again. The point is, when we are tried by our struggles, we often bring our best to the table. During these times we will see our true colors and others can see the beauty and potential that is within us. At times, we may even lose our leaves. And just like the trees, we will become green again; ready to soak up the sun and continue living. Whats different about us, is that in every conversation we have the opportunity to show those colors that we expressed. They are like a myriad of experience waiting to show what we have been through, how we endured, and how our persistence and strength brought us new, and better branches. Let fall remind you that your leaves are beautiful, and soon enough, they will be green again.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 22:11:56 +0000

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