As I was fitfully sleeping last night I looked up at the rolling - TopicsExpress


As I was fitfully sleeping last night I looked up at the rolling fluids cart that has become my constant companion. The lights in the room were off except for the green monitor light on the cart captured the two bags on the cart one of saline solution and the other Chemo. The drip, drip, drip of the bags and their shadows on the ceiling was eerily comforting. I started thinking about miracles..... the miracle of this solution pumping into my heart killing all the tiny cells that are trying to kill me. Then I thought about Malcolm Gladwell and his book OUTLIERS and the thousands and thousands of people and hours that brought this bag to my body. Then I started thinking about when I first got to the Hospital and the blood that was given freely by someone else not long ago saving my life. During this whole treatment I will require many is still odd to me thinking that the blood from other people is coursing through my veins. These are strangers who I will never be able to track down and thank for keeping me alive. I thought about the combined thousands and thousands of hours the team of people who are helping me through this journey have to offer me. I even thought about a few of them sitting in class or pouring over text-books soaking up the Academic knowledge that would be converted into practical knowledge and used on me. My mind then drifted to my friends and family. All of my friends from long ago, my long term friends, new friends and friends I have yet to meet all offering SO MUCH prayers, food, thoughts, good energy, practical help, candles lit, chanting, spiritual healing, nutritional advice, stories of their personal survival experience and a host of other ways and means to make this journey better and easier. Distant families then came to mind wondering which of my three siblings may be a match should I need a stem cell transplant. My Mother and Father calling with words of encouragement and offers to do anything to help. I see my In-Laws and wife’s family sending care packages and calling with support to help with prayer and stories of survival. Finally I thought about my own family. The amazing job Lisa is doing taking care of so much while I am tethered to my life support in this Hospital room. Georgia and Jake you are my REASON for living we have so much more left to do. I hope this detour in life’s journey is about gaining wisdom, acceptance, appreciation and greater spiritual awareness. Life is full of mystery, unexplained happenings, unexpected challenges, opportunity wrapped in crises and questions without answers. Wherever this experience takes me I know I am a blessed man.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 06:08:25 +0000

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