As I was in prayer for someone who is dealing with a serious - TopicsExpress


As I was in prayer for someone who is dealing with a serious illness, that has incapacitated them, the Lord told me to pray for his heart. He told me that he will not be totally healed until someone prays for his heart wounds. As I prayed for his heart, I saw in a vision the Lord dressed in white robes, with a jar of salve in his hand and He was applying the salve to this mans heart. I even saw the deep gasping wounds on this mans heart. Some of them had been there a very long time and they were festering and infected. As the Lord applied the salve they would begin to heal from the bottom up. These wounds were deep. The Lord applied the salve with a generous hand. Massaging it into the deep wounds with His fingers. He applied so much of the salve that the jar was nearly empty. I saw on the outside of the jar written L.O.V.E. As the Lord emptied the jar, the angels came and took the jar from His hand. The Lord reached over to His own side and parted His robes, and the angels held the jar up to the Lords wounded side, where it was refilled. Then I saw there were others lying on carts like a huge emergency room. As far as I could see were more carts with others lying on them awaiting treatment. The Lord moved on to another and began the same process, and as He did He said pray for this one. As I prayed He again massaged the salve into the deep wounds of this ones heart. As I looked about I saw others standing in line awaiting a vacant cart, so they could receive healing. Some of them were so weak and frail they could barely stand. Their skin was pale and gray. Some were leaning heavily on crutches, or canes. The Lord let me see the hearts of the worst of these. Their hearts were so badly wounded that every time their heats would beat blood would gush forth. God said pray for these. Pray for them to survive until they receive their healing. As He spoke He continued the process moving from cart to cart, emptying the jar of His Love, and each time the angels would hold the jar to His side to be refilled. I also noticed in a corner a pile of crutches and canes. I said Lord what are those? He said those are the lies, and the fears, and the unforgiveness, and the excuses that people have leaned on when their hearts are so badly wounded. Those are no longer needed as they get their hearts healed. They can drop those and leave them behind when they are healed. The Lord then said to me Look how many there are. Do you see the need? Will you help Me? I need people who will help. He held out a deep blue medicine jar to me filled with the salve of His love. He said Apply it generously. Dont be stingy. If you empty the jar I will refill it. Just bring the empty jar to Me, and I will refill it.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:42:09 +0000

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