As I was nominated by # Esha post This! Name: Deep Das Birthday: - TopicsExpress


As I was nominated by # Esha post This! Name: Deep Das Birthday: 30th january 1994 1.Last Beverage: mango lassi wth frnd 2.Last Phone call: Kunal 3.Last text messege: Sudipa 5.Last tym you cried: 2year ago 6.Dated someone: yup several 9.Lost someone special: Hmm 10.Been depressed: umm..sometimes.. 11.Been drunk: Never LIST THREE FAVORITE COLORS 3.white SINCE LAST YEAR(2013),HAVEYOU: 15.Made a new friend:ya 16.Fallen out of love: no 17.Laughed untill you cried : at durga puja 18.Met someone who changed: yup myself 19.Found out who your true friends were: yes 20.Found out someone was talking about you: hmm hmm 22:How many people on your fb friend list do you know in real life: 50% 23.Do you have any pet: na 24:Do you want to change your name:no i m happy with my name 25:what did you do for your last birthday: Chutia mosti kora6ilam wt frndz 26:What time did you wake up today: 8:30 27:What were you doing last night: watchng hppy new year 28:What something you cant wait for: marriage :-P :-P :-D 29:Last time you saw your mother:r8 nw 32.What are you listening right now: Nthng 34:Whats getting on your nerves right now: review er result ta kbe berabej 35:Most visited web pages: Facebook 37.Nick Name(s): Ranti 38:Relationshipstatus: fb te deoa 39:Zodiac sign:aquarious 40:He or She: alaways she 41:Elementary: 42:High School: s.s.p.s. 43:college: d.b. 44:Hair color: black 45.Long or short hair: short 46.Height: 56 approx 47.Do you have a crush on: Yap 48:What do you like about yourself: sb ki6u 50.tatto?: na 51.Righty or Lefty: Righty RIGHT NOW: 59.Eating: nothing 60.Drinking: tea 61.Im about to: 62.Doing: watchng tv 63.Waiting for: a gd job YOUR FUTURE: 66.Career: wnt a govmrmnt jøb WHICH IS BETTER: 67.Lips or Eyes: Lips 68.Hugs or Kisses: kiss(smooch) :-P :-D ;-) 69.Shorter or taller: 73.Sensitive or loud: sensitive 75.Funny or Shy: shy 77.Drank hard liqour: 80.Broke someones heart: dnt knw bt unintentionally hte pare 81.Had your own heart broken: ha khb jor 84.Cried when someone died: Yap DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 86.Yourself: yes 87.Miracles: yup 88.Love at first sight: no 89.Heaven: no 90.Santa Clause: bullshit 91.The tooth fairy:no 92.Angels: no Rules: once youve been tagged,you are supposed to write a status with this thing above.All the end,choose 20 people and Tag them and they will have to upload this status,copy n paste this status,erase my answers and enter your status
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 14:09:07 +0000

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