As I was pumping gas into my car last night, a 9yr old black child - TopicsExpress


As I was pumping gas into my car last night, a 9yr old black child with no t-shirt, dirty jeans, no belt and dirty sneakers comess up to my sister and ask her for money. As she was reaching into her purse to assist the young man I interjected and asked him why was he out here asking ppl for cash, his response I am hungry maam I havent ate since 12pm after I got out of School we had a half a day. I took him into subways and ordered him a footlong sub and a drink. I proceeded to ask him where was his parents and he lied and said his father went out of town and his mother is at work. I began to educate/enlighten this 9yr old boy about the system that was already in place to destroy him but I knew he wouldnt understand. I sat at the table with him and watched him take a bite out of his sub as tears roll out of his eyes. As I looked deep into this young man spirit all I saw was pain, neglect and a black man that was brought into this world with no future. As he cried my heart was shattered into pieces. His mother has 10children and is known not to take care of her kids, infact she never told them she loves them or gave them a hug. As I wipe his tears and I become sensible to his pain, I think about the mother I want to be to my unborn children. I think of my community and the conditions we are in, I think of the hard work my parents devoted in order for my siblings and I to have. I didnt want to give that 9yr old black man money, I hugged him, bought him a shirt and told him that I loved him. I wish I could do more just to take his pain away.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 14:09:41 +0000

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