As I was reading my daily devotions & seeking for God to inspire a - TopicsExpress


As I was reading my daily devotions & seeking for God to inspire a message for this weeks broadcast, something came to me. A realization that many overlook and it is because you are still dead to the realization. Before we come to Christ, we are dead in sin to God, His move, and His Word. When we come to Christ, we are alive in Him but dead to sin. To be born without being spiritual, yet later to be re-born into our spiritual lives takes an awakening that can only be done through that touch of God. You may have received Christ, and you are new, re-born and learning to live. Part of your learning to live is awakening from the slumber the world has molded you into living. Every part of you in dead until Jesus awakens your mind, your eyes, your abilities, your identity, and your heart. If Gods people truly desire a spiritual awakening, then they must realize, they must become alive in every area of their lives. The way I found to do this is to devote all of our lives to God and allow Him to touch us in a way where we see life as the new creature we are. We serve a God of beginnings, a God of newness. Since this, let us seek those words to speak to one another, that speak life, awakening, and renewal into the dry & dead bones that surround us and even dwell in us. Before we can get new wine poured into us, we have got to become awakened by shedding off the old man, the old wine skin. You are not the same after coming to Christ. Life is not the same after receiving salvation. Let God open your eyes & mind and in turn, awaken you to what life really is. Christ died for us to live. It is time we die to self and awaken to the life Christ died for us to have. It is true, we cannot be asleep and live the same as we were before Christ. We have to remain steadfast and learn to live awakened in the Spirit of God, and learn to live as the new creature we are.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 19:51:02 +0000

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