As I watch the gloomy weather I feel a hint of loneliness and fear - TopicsExpress


As I watch the gloomy weather I feel a hint of loneliness and fear for what this coming typhoon might bring to us..Lonely , because of what happened in Tacloban a year ago, and fear for the safety of my family, friends and all the people residing in the Philippines right now. Not one soul had ever imagined, nor the authorities themselves , the wrath of typhoon Yolanda, that they were not well equipped and less prepared for any eventualities.Sad as it was, we have learned our lesson well- the hard and painful way. Thousands of Filipinos perished , helpless and abandoned, Corpses were everywhere,the survivors were full of regrets, misgivings and grief,what a pitiful sight....It this is just a dream ....let this dream be just a part of a nightmare , when one had taken a good too many or too much of food and wine...but this was not so..No words of sympathy or consolation can get them out of this tragedy. Time heals but not as easy, because they not only lost their homes, their loved ones, but their dreams as well.How hard it is to pick the pieces of a shattered dreams, only God knows..Today as we await anxiously for the landfall of this bad weather,the government and its people are now more prepared , Risk Reduction Team is on the go, authorities in full alert and the people are all taking the necessary precautions .God will be with as I am sure, and so with the prayers of our love ones and friends, we hold on tightly to our faith...and I know we will emerged safe and triumphant in the end.So help us Lord.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 05:39:46 +0000

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