As I watch the news this morning I cant help but feel utterly - TopicsExpress


As I watch the news this morning I cant help but feel utterly disgusted at our so called leader. One American journalist was mercilessly beheaded by a terror organization while another fears for his life awaiting a similar fate. An American Marine sits in a prison cell in Mexico begging for freedom and an entire town in Missouri is living under martial law facing racial tension. Where is the leader of the free world?? On the frickin golf course!!! For all the time he spends complaining about and targeting the elite in this country, he sure as hell doesnt mind spending their hard earned tax dollars living like one of them. The hypocrisy is sickening. I have been a small business owner for years. I would love to take my family to Hawaii every 3 months, but the taxation and regulation on small businesses continue to get worse daily, making it next to impossible to operate and flourish making such trips next to impossible (maybe I should run for office and cash in on those perks). I really dont care where you fall on the political spectrum. I have always been somewhere in the middle. But if you are not embarrassed by our current state of affairs and how we are now perceived internationally, then you are kidding yourselves. We need term limits, limited pensions, participation in Social Security system and the new health care law for our elected officials if we ever expect real change. God bless each of you and may God Bless America. We sure as hell need it.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 10:45:49 +0000

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