As I watched last nights Daily Show interview with Jenny Nordberg, - TopicsExpress


As I watched last nights Daily Show interview with Jenny Nordberg, the author of The Underground Girls of Kabul,it reminded me of how light-skinned blacks used to pass as white, just so that they could enjoy full rights of citizenship in the United States. In Afghanistan (apparently, this practice has been going on for a VERY long time, and cuts through all economic classes), families will often raise a daughter as a son, particularly if they dont have any sons, or if they need an additional breadwinner in the family. The one BIG difference between this practice and blacks passing for white, however, is that once these girls reach puberty, they are expected to assume the traditional role of females in Afghanistan, essentially walking away from the freedoms they enjoyed as males. No more working, going to school, traveling outside the home without a male escort, etc., and as some of these girls resist being forced to relinquish their male freedoms, the emotional and psychological scars that result can damage then entire family. I had no idea this kind of thing exists and I thank The Daily Show With John Stewart and Jenny Nordberg for bringing this topic to light. Definitely one book I intend to read. My mind is blown.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 15:43:22 +0000

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