As Im setting at my desk taking care of business, this song came - TopicsExpress


As Im setting at my desk taking care of business, this song came on Pandora radio, and even though Im behind I just was moved to talk on Being Grateful, regardless of the circumstances ... You know folks, “God didnt promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.” God did not promise us sunshine and blue skies every day. He did not promise us a bed of roses every day. He didnt promise us that every cloud would have a silver lining. But He did promise us a home with Him when we leave this world and a peace that this world can never give us...But still folks give up on our Lord the moment a prayer is not answered God sees, He cares, He knows, and, yes, His will reigns supreme. This world is broken. We are broken people. God told us this would be so. He never promised a wonderful life. In fact, He promised hardship. Jesus said the poor will be blessed. But, He didn’t say He would end poverty. He said those who mourn will be comforted. But, He never promised that mourning wouldn’t be part of our lives. Life is hard, even when you’re a Christian. Even when you try to love God with all your heart, bad things will happen. Terrible things will come. But folks lets get it right, if you are a Christian, God has a wonderful plan for our eternity. Jesus promised that He is getting some pretty amazing things ready for us in Heaven. And, He is coming back to Earth to do a whole new wonderful thing someday. God has a plan for your life on earth, too. But, it’s not for a 100% wonderful existence. That was the garden of Eden. Times have changed. Our lives on earth will be trying, difficult, sometimes tragic, sometimes almost unbearable, often sprinkled with lots of great times, truly amazing and awe-inspiring experiences, and love. And all of these things, good and bad, bring glory to God, can help us know Him more, can bring us to our knees, can take us sailing to heights we’ve never known before. The human existence is a roller coaster of fear, doubt, happiness, pain, fun, beauty, anger, grace, mercy, anguish, and brokenness. God gives wonderful moments. But, this life isn’t always wonderful. Learn to be okay with that. Learn that God does what He does for reasons you can’t always see or understand. Learn to believe that God is good, even when the un-wonderful of life creeps in. This life is only one stitch in the infinite and intricate fabric of eternity. There is so much wonderful waiting for us in that forever. Until then, God loves you, and He has a plan for your life. Whatever it is, don’t lose faith when wonderful seems miles away. Even when the circumstances of life aren’t wonderful, our God still is.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 21:44:23 +0000

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