As Ive said dont hate the player - hate the game. You dont like - TopicsExpress


As Ive said dont hate the player - hate the game. You dont like this perfectly legal way these corporations skirt the tax laws, the highest corporate tax rate in the world at 35 percent, then speak to your representatives at the federal level and get them to change those laws or let them us the tools at their disposal to maintain their competitiveness in the global economy myrecordjournal/news/latestnews/5444778-129/rj-editorial-criticisim-of-bk-not-supported-by-facts.html People love to get outraged over anything they see as corporate greed and chicanery, regardless of the facts. inversion is one way for some companies that compete in the global marketplace to bring their tax burden down closer to the level their competitors pay, because this country has the highest corporate tax rate in the world — 35 percent — and that puts U.S.-based companies at a big disadvantage. Even the White House would like to see that rate lowered. But the emotional reaction — to call Stanley and Burger King traitors, literally Benedict Arnolds — is not exactly supported by the facts. A corporation’s first duty is to its shareholders — not to its hometown, not to its home country — and its officers have a responsibility to act accordingly, even if that means some people will call them names. That’s why a comprehensive tax reform that would reduce the burden for all U.S.-based companies would be a better bet.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 18:44:26 +0000

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