As Ive said many times before, the demand for women, in the - TopicsExpress


As Ive said many times before, the demand for women, in the various Acting, Modeling, Promotional, etc. fields, in Miami, is very high, and always is. The cost of living, here, is just as high. Im homeless, some of you are, also, but some of you, due to the much higher payrate for women, than for men, in almost every genre, are, collectively, and, in some cases, singularly, in a position to jumpstart a group of us. Im a pretty smart guy with money, when I have money to work with, and when Im in a living situation conducive to such. Im single, and therefore would want every woman in the household to be single and childless, so that we could create a family atmosphere, literally, in accordance with the laws of the location of the residence(s). I have a number of businesses, so that would allow us to make an absurd amount of monies, since each of you could crossover into all the fields I work. Rent or mortgage, in Miami, for instance, can be $1500-3000+, in a good area. For one person, that is a ridiculous amount of payments to keep up with, but, if say 3-12 of us lived in say a 3-6+ bedroom house, splitting the bills, buying vehicles, such as RVs, planes, with our own airstrips on the property, which we could utilize for work, travel, etc., I could turn my businesses into financial giants, and make my dreams, and yours, come true. In theory, this, and more, will work, and, as long as we function as a family, its failproof. It baffles me that teenage pimps can pull this off, but a well-meaning me cant find any women who want to do this, with me. I only continue to post this, because promotion unpromoted is a venture that will probably never become; and this is the single most important opportunity, point in time, etc., any of us have. What I propose, and as a result of, will accomplish, will dwarf the accomplishments of any family and business in any realm, save that of the Rothschilds, since they are my family; I think the problem is that Im so deep, so seemingly well intentioned, so intelligent, smart, knowledgeable, testosteronic, etc., for someone who seems to be an ill-intentioned, receding hairlined, foul-teethed, ex-drug addict black guy, that I, and the positive intentions you know I really have scare the sxxx out of all you women, because you know none of you could ever meet the apexual expectations of being a woman in The Urda Universal, my Illuminati organizations, as well as any other of my businesses, networks, organizations, etc.. Prove me wrong. This world is a sinking ship, full of captains who will not go down with it, who can leave it anytime, and any way, they want to; and regardless of the fact that you are women, they will leave most, if not all, of you here, to go down with it; I am your, and everyone elses, saviour. I put all of you here, to be mine, and each others. Regardless of whether you believe this, or not, doesnt change the fact that its true. Im still homeless, and youre not Angelina Jolie, Queen Elizabeth, Oprah Winfrey, or whoever, because you choose to prejudge and overlook me. Maybe some of you will come to your senses; i hope so, because Im tired of being homeless, faulted, and unacconplished. I know, for a fact, my proposed method is the only way for us to mutually elevate very quickly, in this, and every realm, etc. And life, hereafter. Youll ignore me, and hear, from the bad Illuminati, that you could have achieved all your needs and desires, if you had joined me, while you stand there, in front of them, soulless, shy some family members that you Had to kill, in order to satisfy eVVhihinrock, having invoked its minions, sharing your mind and body with evvrinths that torture, and dont give a fxxx about you, or, having been cast into the sufferage, while that minion steals and controls your body, and walks around here, rich, free, etc.pretending to be you, til your body prematurely wastes away, from the stress of it having been in it, instead of you, whom GAOTU, God, and Satan righteously had put in it; and theyll crack wicked smiles as they ask you why you put yourself through all this, when Predada required, not, your soul, just your devotion; and as they tell you, with Predada, you could have had all you wanted, all you needed, and more; that I am the toad, who would have been the King, had you picked me up and given me the kiss of life. For those of you who want to go forward in life, with me, you know how to inbox me; you know the number to BHRKWUE; Im the only one with access to its voicemail; and you know my email address.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 12:41:28 +0000

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