As Mars activates the Uranus-Pluto evolutionary impetus just days - TopicsExpress


As Mars activates the Uranus-Pluto evolutionary impetus just days before the solar eclipse in soul-bearing Scorpio this weekend, I am reminded of something author Pam Grout wrote, Even though the reductionist, mechanical worldview has been proved defective, its still deeply ingrained and embedded in our culture. Neuroscientists tell us that 95% of our thoughts are controlled by our preprogrammed subconscious mind. Instead of actually thinking, youre looking at a movie of the past. Realitys evolved but the human mind hasnt caught up--its still captive of an outdated story. For nearly a century now, (longer than most of us have even been on this planet), physicists have known that space and time are not what the restrictions of our five senses would have us believe them to be. You are connected to everything and everyone else in the universe. Scientist refer to this as nonlocality--anything that happens to one particle is instantaneously broadcasted to all others and the particles behave synchronously, with no intermediary. The Empaths of the world experience this truth profoundly, but we all experience it even if unaware. We also experience the truth of entanglement--once an atom has been in the proximity of another atom, they are entangled forever, no matter how great the time or space between them. Truly, we are all in this together--this is the overriding theme of this Aquarian Age. No more me-versus-you or us-versus-them. We function as a whole system. Every particle in the universe is in instantaneous communication with every other particle. The Force that animates all life is within you and your mind directs that Force. As the moon illuminates Jupiter today, witness how that which has the focus of your mind and emotions expands. You are directing the Force according to your beliefs and expectations. Might we all give our time today noting every sweet pleasure, kindness and beauty and expand on those realities? For they are everywhere to be experienced. Watch how they multiply in your experience when you give them your attention. Explore your own higher latitudes. Be a Columbus to whole new continents within you, opening to new channels, not of trade, but of thought. ~Henry David Thoreau
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 16:20:10 +0000

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