As Michael Lowery is speaking of his own struggle with depression - TopicsExpress


As Michael Lowery is speaking of his own struggle with depression and suicide I am being reminded of something the Lord was showing me about suicide. As we know the enemy has nothing original he only taints or twists the truth. He makes us look at the truth yet through a defective lens! Thus distorting the very face of truth as it is based on our perception! He tells us the truth but NOT in the PURE FORM! It is laced with poison...with lies. You see the TRUTH is DEATH IS THE ANSWER!!!! The end all for your hopelessness, confusion, pain, fear, etc. Just one little thing.... IT IS NOT THE KIND OF SUICIDE OR DEATH THAT THE ENEMY WOULD HAVE YOU BELIEVE IS THE ANSWER!!! Like I said before the enemy takes the truth and distorts it so that we are destroyed in the end. The Lords plan is for our salvation NOT destruction! The Lord tells us that we must crucify the flesh or KILL the flesh! We must die to self! We must put to death the old man so that the new man can LIVE!!! Physical death doesnt set us free! GOD DOES!!!! This is the GOSPEL! This taking off of the old and putting on the new. This freedom occurs as we begin to think as God thinks, see as God sees. As we come to know the truth and walk in that truth. As the lies are cast aside and the truth is revealed!!! We do this by humbly receiving the word of God in our heart and allowing it to work its way into our mind and into our lives. We must let Him open our eyes and our ears...our hearts. Transform us by the renewing of our mind. SEEK THE TRUTH!!! SEEEE!!!! The enemy takes every hope of ever living a good life and whispers to you how you would be better off dead. The Lord takes away every hope of ever living a good life without Him (because it is the truth, our true state) and gives us HOPE in death, in the death of Jesus, in our burial and resurrection with Him, and the very life of Christ in us!! This is two VERY DIFFERENT versions of escape, of death! Listen to me! Christ is the answer to WHATEVER the problem may be! And if you will but trust Him you will see the goodness of God in the land of the LIVING!!! The sweetest death we could ever die is that which we die in the arms of our Savior. He takes away nothing except that which takes away from your very quality of life, true life. He gives you a Hope and a future. He gives you comfort in times of need. He gives you peace and joy and love and a new heart! He is good let us rest in the goodness of God.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 23:12:50 +0000

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