As Nigerians,its high time we all began to reflect on happenings - TopicsExpress


As Nigerians,its high time we all began to reflect on happenings in our socio-political firmament.The social media suddenly went buzzing with youtube footages of a policeofficial who demanded 100naira bribe from a motorist.Reports have it that she has been promptly arrested by the Lagos state police command.what morals can we draw from this scenario.Just like my friend Darren Aquaisua submitted that the root ailment troubling us is CORRUPTION which i agree in totality.suppose the person who filmed the act adopted an "i dont care attitude" which is very common among us,a sore wound of corruption would have continued to fester.We only shout ourselves hoarse by lamenting the decadent state of affairs of our society but we do practically nothing in our little capacity to right the perceived wrongs.when public officials loot the public till with reckless abandon and then dole out peanuts to us we cheer and applaud them and tout them to be very generous especially when they hail from our ethnic group.Today,the Federal govt is saying it cannot afford the wage bill of ASUU but it has been paying trillions to oil marketeers in the mould of Bamanga Tukurs son,while our refineries have been left moribund. Examination malpractice is now an accepted norm in our society and those who speak against it or are on the other side of the divide are seen as aliens from other planets.We can take a cue from that courageous person by putting our camera phones to judicious use in our schools,colleges and universities.Am told that some lecturers openly brag by telling students "Read to gain knowlegde but sort to pass"however true or fallacious this claims may be,lets make judicious use of our elctronic devices and fight crime in our domain.As a matter of fact,Nigeria is not the only corrupt enclave in the universe.why ours is different is because while corruption is given zero tolerance and quickly brought into public purview thereby swiftly nipping it in the bud in civilized climes,we continue to aid and abet corrupt practices untill it grows into a seemingly untamable monster.Even those who claim to be very religious are the worst of cowards as some of them are willing collabarators and are afraid to brook or shoulder the initial stigma of standing out against corruption.They shout and compete for attention and space in proclaiming Jesus but keep sealed lips when corrupt acts are brazenly committed under their nose.some ll hide under the escapist phrase,"lets pray over it".But when christ saw the charade that was going on in the temple he did not commit it to the Father but proactively took whips and flogged sense into peoples head.Lets rise up fight evil in our litte domain and then our collective effort will resonate in Abuja where elected officials will think twice before dipping their hands in the public till.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 08:36:46 +0000

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