As Philemon Wesonga has put it, The nation Page 4 has put the - TopicsExpress


As Philemon Wesonga has put it, The nation Page 4 has put the matter of who stole the money meant for the ODM Presidential agents to rest. Eliud Owalo has said his side and because there is no other side (If there was the concerned Parties would have said so by now) we will move on to strengthen the social change movement and make sure that such characters never step anywhere close to the Okoa Kenya Movement and the Change Movement. Let us now move to the most pressing matters around #OKoaKenya. I will ignore #MosesKuria because i dont have time for side shows anymore. As we join #KalonzoMusyoka at the #LSK debate the focus must now focus on the leading agenda items in the #OkoaKenya drive. 1. Increament of county allocation to Atleast 45% of the national Budget 2. National security (Also linked to Trobalism and Nepotism in Appointment at the National Security Council) 3. Tribalism and regional balance in Public service (Parliament must now move wit speed and reject the current nominees in totality because #Ogiek #Samburu #Rendile #Gabra #Borana #Pokot #Teso and many other Kenya Tribes are not part of the appointments) 4. Impelmentation of the #JJRC report including historical injustices and land reforms 4. Electoral reforms around electoral process not just the presidential election as the #Jubilee Propanganda would like Kenyans to believe because they want to link this the #RAO. Silas Chepkeres Jakakimba Lee Makwiny Stephen Oguwa Benard Adhiambo Oguwa David Okindo Fwamba Nc Fwamba Joel Omolo Hesbon Omollo Richard Ogendo Anthony Jaragenya KOnyango Ochieng Dennis Charles Mark Dienya David Ochola David Abudho AB Murage Egh
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 06:54:42 +0000

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