As Pormised here is the interview conducted between the new owner - TopicsExpress


As Pormised here is the interview conducted between the new owner of SCW and previous owner Paul Harley. Justin Kidd.. Thank you Paul for taking the time to do this interview. Paul Harley.. Are you serious? You are thanking me for doing this interview. Kidd.. Yes Paul i am. The fans want to know all about you. Harley.. Screw the fans.. The only reason i am doing this interview is because your assistant told me that if i didnt comply with my contract obligations that i would be fired.. Kidd.. Paul you have to understand what im trying to do here. Harley.. Oh i know exactly what you are trying to do.. Kidd.. No i dont think you do.. Im trying to make SCW the best Wrestling Promotion around. Im giving the fans what they want. Since you dont want to be here doing this interview and neither do i then i suggest we hurry up and get this done so we dont have to see each other any longer than we have to... Harley.. Fine. But after you ask your questions for the stupid fans i have something i want to say.. Kidd.. Thats fine by me.. Lets get this Started with the first question then... How old were you when you first started wrestling? Harley.. I was 16 years old. I started wrestling 34 years ago.. Kidd.. How did you get into wrestling? Harley.. I loved watching wrestling as a kid. I knew that wrestling is what i wanted to do for a living. Kidd.. How did you actually get into the business? Harley.. When the local wrestling companies would come into my home town i would go to the shows.. Finally after going to so many i got the courage to ask the promoter if there was anything i could do to help. He told me that the only thing that he could have me do is set up the ring. I did that for a while for him. One day after setting up the ring i asked the promoter what i had to do to become a wrestler.. He told me that it cost 3000 dollars to get trained.. Kidd.. So what did you do? Did you have 3000 dollars in your pocket and just hand it to him? Harley.. Hell no smartass. What i did was i had to bust my ass to get that 3000 dollars. And when i finally did get the money the promoter gave me the number for Flying Fred Curry and the Original Shiek.. Kidd.. So you were trained by The Shiek and Flying Fred Curry? Harley.. Yes. They tought me everything that i know.. Kidd.. So after you got trained did you become this big superstar and see the world? Harley.. No not at all. It took me a while to get into wrestling actually. What i did was get all the pieces for a wrestling ring.. I would set up a ring in my garage and work out and wrestle.. Kidd.. Was that getting you anywhere? Harley.. No. I as at a low point in my life. Things were not going right and wrestling was not what i was hoping it would be. I was 19 and i was at rock bottom.(no pun intended). Kidd.. So you was at your lowest at 19. What happend to change all of that? Harley.. Well i met a woman. A woman who had the same passion that i did. Not only for life but also wrestling.. Her name is Sandy and i couldnt believe that she loved wrestling.. I told her that i could find any work in wrestling and was feeling down about it.. She said why dont we start our own company. I thought about it for a while but wasnt really sure about it.. Finally one day i said to hell with it. I went to sandy and said what do we have to lose. Lets go ahead and try to get our own company going. Kidd.. Is that where SCW was started? Harley.. No. The promotion that we started was MSW. MSW stood for Mid State Wrestling. How i got the company going was pure luck on my part. I reached out to The Shiek and asked if he knew any talent that could come and wrestle for me. Like i said i was so lucky because he told me that he did and sent me some guys to work my show. WE drew a good crowd that night. When we was leaving that night we were getting questions from fans like when are you coming back. Right then i new that we were onto something.. Kidd.. Thats pretty co.......... Harley.. Shut up i wasnt finished yet. As the shows kept growing, things began to look up for me. I proposed to Sandy and we got married. Throughout the years we have had 3 beautiful children. Our shows have been great. There have been some ups and downs but that comes with anything you decide to do. Kidd.. Indeed that is true. Tell me Paul. When did MSW start and End and why? Harley.. MSW started in 1982 and ended in 1999. The reason MSW ended was because we as a family decided to shut down. The Harley Family then moved to ohio and in 2000 we formed SCW (Southern Championship Wrestling). Kidd.. So you formed SCW in 2000 and ran stong for 13 years. Harley.. Yes. We have competed against other companies that said that they were going to put me out of business. One of those companies was one that you used to wrestle for. One who is no longer in business and that company is OAW. Kidd.. Yes you are correct. I used to wrestle for OAW and yes they are no longer around. I was smart enough to leave before it was ran into the ground.. Harley.. Yea you left and came to SCW. Where the best were at. Kidd.. Listen Paul. This is not about me and when i came here. This is about you and you life. Harley.. You listen to me. Me and my wife Sandy has been married for 31 years. We have had our up and downs and have been through thick and then. We have been there for each other no matter what. She is there for me when i need her. She was there for me when i was 19 and she is here for me now.. i was down then and i am down now. Kidd.. What do you mean you are down now? Harley.. Listen the formal questions are over. I am gonna say whats on my mind. Kidd.. Finally this is what i personally wanted to hear from you. Harley.. For 12 years i have been the owner of SCW. Then on January 1st 2013 you come to the ring with a contract in your hand. That contract says that you are the new owner of SCW. I was the Champion, I was the Owner and i was the man. Now i have lost my company my championship and my pride.. Kidd.. Whose fault was it that you let the SCW contract expire? Who is the one who did not re sign the contract? Who is the one who is maybe getting to old to remember such important things? All the questions all have one answer. YOU Harley.. Ill tell you what. Why dont we settle this in a match. Justin Kidd vs Paul Harley for ownership of SCW? Kidd.. Paul you know that thats not going to happen. I am not able to compete anymore. My body is to damaged to fight in a match. Im sorry Paul but thats not going to happen. Harley.. I gave you a title opportunity when you were wrestling for me. The least you can do is give me a match with you. Kidd.. No thats where you are wrong. I earned my spot and my title shot. Nothing has been given to me. Not even this company. I earned everything i have. Harley.. What have you done lately that i havent? Kidd.. Really? You of all people are asking me that question. Try this answer... For one i have created a larger fanbase than you ever have. I created this page which is doing very well if i might say so myself. We are branching out to more cities and not to mention the talent we are bringing in. We are no longer old school wrestling. We are up with the current times in life and we are cutting edge now. Now you tell me what i have done since taking ownership. Harley.. I am done with this interview but know this.. You have not seen or heard the last of Paul Harley on this matter. We will get this settled one way or another. Just wait and see what i have in store for you Kidd.. Oh im sure i havent heard or seen the last of you and i look forward to see what you have in store for me. Harley..( Stands up and starts to walk out and turns around and says) I will own SCW once again. Kidd.. Not if i have anything to do with it you wont..
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 00:00:06 +0000

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