As Russel Brand so simply puts, people who bully are sad inside. - TopicsExpress


As Russel Brand so simply puts, people who bully are sad inside. Extreme cases of bullying and attacks are fed to us by way of the media and Facebook news. But more often bullying, hatred, and name calling are occurring on a regular, more detrimental, daily basis and are far less recognized and/or admitted. Remember that those backhanded or small inconsequential comments we make about each other can be just as powerful as the big ones. Think about the words escaping your mouth and ponder the things you type before you submit them. Try to recognize where those negative and judgmental thoughts about others are stemming from within yourself. Do they really have anything to do with the person who you are saying them to? And if they do, is it really all their fault that you are feeling them? Is there something you can do for yourself, without involving them, to make those negative thoughts disappear? Think before you speak. We are all riding this crazy coaster and some of us experience the highs and lows differently. Dont affect someones ride just because yours isnt as fun at the moment. #NNCW15
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 20:36:14 +0000

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