As Salaamun Alaikum Sisters and Brothers, The Women in the - TopicsExpress


As Salaamun Alaikum Sisters and Brothers, The Women in the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad were also a part of the Plan of Allah. They were not just there for having children and house cleaning as many learned individuals would have us to believe. Our wives are not “Maids”…they are our “Mates”…they are not our “Property” they are our “Partners”. The next Woman in the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad was a daughter of the greatest enemy of Islam in Medina. She too also migrated to Abyssinia with her husband. But she had a different twist in events and she set an example of how to stay the course even though your husband goes off the Path of Allah UMM HABIBA Ramla bint Abu Sufyan Part 2 Soon after this, all the Muslims who had sought refuge in Abyssinia were summoned to the palace of the Negus to witness the simple marriage ceremony in which on the Prophets behalf and her wakil, Khalid ibn Said ibn al-As, acting on her behalf. When the marriage was finalized, the Negus addressed the gathering with these words: I praise Allah, the Holy, and I declare that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger and that He gave the good news to Jesus the son of Mary. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) requested me to conclude the marriage contract between him and Umm Habiba, the daughter of Abu Sufyan. I agreed to do what he requested, and on his behalf I give her a dowry of four hundred gold dinars. The Negus handed over the amount to Khalid ibn Said who stood up and said: All praise is due to Allah. I praise Him and I seek His help and forgiveness and I turn to Him in repentance. I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger whom He has sent with the deen of guidance and truth so that it may prevail over all other religions, however much those who reject dislike this. I agreed to do what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) requested and acted as the wakil on behalf of Umm Habiba, the daughter of Abu Sufyan. May Allah bless His Messenger and his wife. Congratulations to Umm Habiba for the goodness which Allah has decreed for her. The Muslims who had witnessed the marriage contract were just about to leave, when the Negus said to them, Sit down, for it is the practice of the Prophets to serve food at marriages. Joyfully everyone sat down again to eat and celebrate the happy occasion. Umm Habiba especially could hardly believe her good fortune, and she later described how eager she was to share her happiness, saying: When I received the money as my dowry, I sent fifty mithqals of gold to the servant girl who had first brought me the good news, and I said to her, I gave you what I did when you gave me the good news because at that time I did not have any money at all. Six years later, in 7 AH, when the emigrant Muslims in Abyssinia were finally able to return to Arabia, Umm Habiba came to Medina and there the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), who had just returned victorious from Khaybar, warmly welcomed her. The strength of Umm Habiba s character can be measured by what happened shortly before the conquest of Mecca, when her father, Abu Sufyan, came to Medina after the Quraish had broken the treaty of Hudaybiyya, in order to try and re-negotiate a fresh settlement with the Prophet Muhammad and the Muslims. He first went to Umm Habibas room and was about to sit down on the blanket on which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) slept when Umm Habiba, who had not seen her father for over six years, asked him not to sit on it and quickly folded it up and put it away. Am I too good for the bed, or it is the bed too good for me? he asked. how can the enemy of Islam sit on the bed of the Holy Prophet? she replied. Umm Habiba spent four years of her life with the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and lived for another thirty-three years after he had died, dying at the age of seventy-two in 44 AH, may Allah be pleased with her. Like all the wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Umm Habiba spent much of her time remembering Allah and worshipping Him. She has related that once the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to her, A house will be built in the Garden for anyone who, in the space of a day and a night, prays twelve voluntary rakats; and she added, I have never stopped doing this since I it from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him). Enjoy the video https://youtube/watch?v=uVgvVxgywP8&
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 10:21:13 +0000

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