As Salaamun Alaikum Sisters and Brothers, The Women in the - TopicsExpress


As Salaamun Alaikum Sisters and Brothers, The Women in the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad were also a part of the Plan of Allah. They were not just there for having children and house cleaning as many learned individuals would have us to believe. Our wives are not “Maids”…they are our “Mates”…they are not our “Property” they are our “Partners”. Please join the group “Women in the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad” and participate as much as possible and keep it clean and respectful. All new information will be posted in the group and then posted to other groups later. The next surah in the order of the Quran that deals with women is surah: Al-Ala - The Most High Surah: 87 Aya: 1-3 Exalt the name of your Lord, the Most High, Who created and proportioned And who destined and [then] guided Sayyidina Uqbah Ibn Amir Al-Juhani narrates that when the Surah Al-Ala was revealed, the Holy Prophet instructed: Say this (Subhana Rabbiyal-Ala) in your sujud [prostrations] The first attribute is khalaqa which does not simply mean to make or manufacture. It has a deeper significance: to bring out something from pure non-existence into the realm of existence without the help of any pre-existing matter… The second attribute, which is connected with takhlzq (creation), is sawwa. This word is derived from taswiyah, and it literally means to make well or equal…. The third attribute is qaddara which is derived from taqdtr and it means to determine; to measure; to balance; to design symmetrically; to decree1 decide. The word is used in the last sense here. The verse purports to say that things in the world have not been created without purpose. Everything has been created for a specific purpose, and has been endowed with natural capacities to fit its function. If we look carefully, the principle does not apply only to specific species. Every member of the universe has been assigned a specific function to perform. We witness the manifestation of the assignments in the sky, the stars, lightning, rain, humans, animals, vegetation and minerals. Ma Ariful Ul Quran Vol. 8 Our Lord is He Who gave to each thing its form and nature, then guided it aright . [20:501 Allah has stated clearly that everything He created…has its own proportion, guidance and destiny. Man does not control the destiny of women…he can participate in helping to fulfilling the destiny of a woman as she can also help him in fulfilling his destiny. There was a time when man was given tasks that women assisted the best way they could. Now we live in times that we need our women to rise up and show the world that we need a Khalifah to lead us because we as men have destroyed the Khalifate and allowed it to be ignored for so long. It is because of the wife that we will never be making salaah alone and will always receive congregational blessings. The Khalifate was for the protection of women and children too! To make sure that their rights were protected. If you study the life of Umar…you will see this is how he established the secret police and the care of the poor. We need our women to stand up and demand that we get our affairs in order by first stopping the abuse of women and children all over the world! By saying to the men of this Ummah…you cannot lead me anywhere until you first come together and reestablish the Khalifate that Allah ordained through Adam to Prophet Muhammad (SAW)! https://youtube/watch?v=OMlkIuF20RA& Please click on the link and sign the petition to stop domestic violence against Muslim Women! Remaining silent is no different than watching people suffer. gopetition/petitions/prosecution-for-faith-based-organizations-not-against-domestic-violence.html
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 09:27:58 +0000

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