As Salaamun Alaikum Sisters and Brothers, The Women in the - TopicsExpress


As Salaamun Alaikum Sisters and Brothers, The Women in the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad were also a part of the Plan of Allah. They were not just there for having children and house cleaning as many learned individuals would have us to believe. Our wives are not “Maids”…they are our “Mates”…they are not our “Property” they are our “Partners”. The Dowry to the Prophet was a camel. This is the best example that Allah has left for us to have for our evidence that women are our partners and not less than men. To deny this attribute to them or this evidence is tantamount to shirk. Bukhari :: Book 7 :: Volume 62 :: Hadith 66 Narrated Sahl bin Sad: A woman came to Allahs Apostle and said, I present myself (to you) (for marriage). She stayed for a long while, then a man said, If you are not in need of her then marry her to me. The Prophet said, Have you got anything m order to pay her Mahr? He said, I have nothing with me except my Izar (waist sheet). The Prophet said, If you give her your Izar, you will have no Izar to wear, (so go) and search for something. He said, I could not find anything. The Prophet said, Try (to find something), even if it were an iron ring But he was not able to find (even that) The Prophet said (to him).”Do you memorize something of the Quran? Yes. he said, such Sura and such Sura, naming those Suras The Prophet said, We have married her to you for what you know of the Quran (by heart). MAYMUNA bint al-Harith PART 2 When the good news reached her, she was on a camel, and she immediately got off the camel and said, The camel and what is on it is for the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). They were married in the month of Shawwal in 7 AH just after the Muslims of Medina were permitted to visit Mecca under the terms of the treaty of Hudaybiyya to perform umra. Allah Almighty sent the following ayat about this: Any believing woman who dedicates herself to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to wed her, that is only for thee and not for the believers. (Quran 33:50) The Prophet gave her the name, Maymuna, meaning blessed, and Maymuna lived with the Prophet for just over three years, until his death. She was obviously very good natured and got on well with everyone, and no quarrel or disagreement with any of the Prophets other wives have been related about her. Aisha said about her, Among us, she had the most fear of Allah and did the most to maintain ties of kinship. It was in her room that the Prophet first began to feel the effects of what became his final illness and asked the permission of his wives to stay in Aishas room while it lasted. https://youtube/watch?v=SqQ4zF2Zx8U
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 13:26:19 +0000

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