As Salam o alaikum,18th ZilHijjah 1435 AH — Eid-e Ghadeer — - TopicsExpress


As Salam o alaikum,18th ZilHijjah 1435 AH — Eid-e Ghadeer — the celebration of the nomination of Imam Ali(as) as the successor of Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) and the Caliph, Imam and Maula of all Momineen and Mominaat.Eid-e-Ghadeer has been described by Imam Jafar e Sadiq(as) as the day that will be the brightest day on the day of judgement and will be presented among other days just like moon among stars. Imam Ali Riza(as) has described this day as a day of great virtues and special Aamal (prayers and duas) have been instructed for Momineen and Mominaat. A detailed account of these prayers along with the religious and historical significance of Eid-e-Ghadeer is now available atziaraat/events/eidghadeer/eidghadeer.phpHasan bin Rashid asked Imam Jafar e Sadiq(as), ‘May I be sacrificed for you, is there any other Eid of Muslims in addition to the two Eids (Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-e-Qurban)?’ Imam Jafar e Sadiq(as) replied: ‘Yes, O Hasan! In fact that Eid is better and more blessed than these two Eids.’ He asked, ‘When is that Eid?’ Imam(as) replied, ‘The day when Ali(as) was made the leader of the people.’He asked, ‘May I be sacrificed for you, when is that day?’ Imam(as) said, ‘It is on 18th of Zilhajj.’ He asked, ‘May I be sacrificed for you, what are our duties on this day?’ Imam(as) said, ‘Observe fast on this day and recite the Durood plentifully for Muhammad(sawaw) and his progeny. Also keep away from those people who troubled them and denied their rights. Prophets would order that this day of appointment of their successor should be observed as Eid.’ He asked, ‘What is the reward of a person fasting on this day?’ Imam(as) replied, ‘He would get the reward equal to fasting for sixty months.’ [Reference: Sawaabul A’amaal, page 110]Summary of special aamal- Bathe - Observe fast- Recite special Ziaraat given above - Recite Ziarat Ameenallah - Recite Ziarat Nudba - Offer 2 Rakat namaz Eid-e-Ghadeer as follows:After Sura Hamd, recite 10 times each Sura Ahad, Sura Qadr and Ayatul Kursi.Felicitations to all momineen and mominaat on this great Occasion! You are all invited to visit the QASIDAS Section at to enjoy new qasidas related to the event.Quranic verses about the event of Ghadeer-e-KhumO Messenger! Deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord; and if you do it not, then you have not delivered His message, and Allah will protect you from the people. (AL-MAEDA/5:67)This day have those who reject faith given up all hope of your religion: yet fear them not but fear Me. This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. (AL-MAEDA/5:3)One demanding, demanded the chastisement which must befall, the unbelievers there is none to avert it, From Allah, the Lord of the ways of Ascent.(AL-MAARIJ/70:1-3)Traditions about the event of Ghadeer-e-KhumImam Ahmad has recorded the tradition related by Bara ibn Azib in his Musnad, vol.4, p. 281, transmitted through two different sources. Bara says: We were with the Messenger of Allah. We alighted at Ghadeer-e-Khumm. Congregational prayer was in order. An area under two trees was swept and cleaned for the Messenger of Allah, Allahs blessings and peace be upon him and his posterity. He offered midday prayers and he grasped the hand of Ali and said: ‘Do you not know that I have superior authority over the lives of the faithful than the faithful themselves? Yes you have, they replied. He again inquired: Do you not know that I have superior right to the life of every believer than the believer himself? Surely, you have, they answered. Then he grasped the hand of Ali and said: Ali is the Mawla of all those of whom I am Mawla. O Allah! Love him who loves him and hate him who hates him. Bara ibn Azib says: Then Umar came to Ali and said: Congratulations to you the son of Abu Talib. You have become the Mawla (master) of me and all the faithful men and women.Historical reports about the event of Ghadeer-e-KhumHere we will just mention one instance which took place in Kufa during the khilafah of Imam Ali(as), 25 years after the Prophets death.When at Alis insistence a large number of people gathered in the plain of Rahbah in Kufah, he addressed them saying: I administer an oath in the name of Allah to all such Muslims as heard the Holy Prophet(sawaw) making a proclamation on the day of Ghadeer-e-Khumm, to stand up and testify what they heard him say. Only those who saw the Holy Prophet that day with their own eyes and heard the proclamation with their own ears should stand up. Thereupon, thirty companions of the Holy Prophet(sawaw), including twelve of those who had participated in the battle of Badr, stood up and witnessed that the Holy Prophet(sawaw) grasped his (Alis) hand and said to the audience: Do you know that I have a prior right to and superior authority over the souls (i.e., lives) of the faithful than the faithful themselves? O yes! they said. The Holy Prophet(sawaw) then said: He (Ali) is the Mawla (i.e., has prior right to and superior authority over the lives) of all those of whom I am Mawla. O Allah, love him who loves him (Ali) and hate him who hates him.It is logically impossible that thirty companions would have secretly agreed to unanimously lie.Narraters of the event of Ghadeer-e-Khum- 110 companions of the Holy Prophet(sawaw)- 84 Successors (Tabiun)- Over 360 scholars to the present day (Most of them are Ahle Sunnah)1: Abaqat al-Anwar a book written in Persian by Allama Mir Hamid Husayn al-Musawi (d. 1304 AH) of India. Allama Mir Hamid Husayn has devoted two bulky volumes (consisting of about 1,080 pages) on the isnad, tawatur and meaning of the hadith of Ghadeer.2: Al-Ghadeer in 11 volumes in Arabic by Allama Abdul Husayn al-Amini where he gives with full references the names of 110 sahaba of the Prophet and also 84 tabiun (disciples of the sahaba) who have narrated the hadith of Ghadeer. He has also chronologically given the names of the historians, traditionists, exegesiss and poets who have mentioned the hadith of Ghadeer from the first until the fourteenth Islamic century.The above and several other books on this topic are located in the books of Ahle Sunnah(1) Sahih Tirmizi, Vol.2 Page 298.(2) Sahih ibn-e-Maja, Chapter: Virtues of the Companions of the Holy Prophet(sawaw), Page 12 (3) Kinz-al-Amaal, Vol.6, Page 397(4) Riyaz un-Nazra Vol.2, Page 169 (5) Mustadrak as-Sahiyeen, Vol.3, Page 109(6) Mustadrak as-Sahiyeen, Vol.3, Page 116 (7) Khasais-e-Nisaee, Page 25(8) Masnad Ahmad ibn-e-Hambal, Vol.4, Page 372 (9) Tafseer-e-Kabeer, Fakhruddin Razi(10) Hulyat ul-Aulia, Vol.5, Page 26(11) Sawaiq-e-Moharraka, Page 25(12) Al-Asaba, Vol1, Al-qism 1, Page 319Iltimas-e-dua,INFO BY ZIARAATDOTCOM
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 22:42:00 +0000

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