As Scarlet returned home after the long talk of her past to a - TopicsExpress


As Scarlet returned home after the long talk of her past to a close friend of hers, she slings her purse on the counter taking out a bottle of scotch not even pouring it in a glass she takes a drink from the bottle. This whole demon/human thing was starting to get to her, what was she really capable of besides her skills as a hunter? Breaking and entering in residence to gain access to the deceased body, impersonating an officer, swindling, pool bets, it was the life of a hunter. All these recent black outs she had for periods of times she had no clue as to what happened were starting to make sense. Taking another drink she sat the bottle down on the kitchen island slumping her head down she laid her head in her hands still trying to take things in. Then out of know where her eyes shut automatically then open taking on the color black and another force takes shape. Another being soon enters the room with her a shadowed figure. rising up Scarlets figure stood straight looking forward, only movement she had to her was the blinking of her eyes occasionally. Master, she knows everything now, her friend has told her the truth, what shall I do now? The figure circled around her then stopped as she stood right behind her. Simple, still carry out our plan accordingly, any angel couldnt even save her poor soul because its mine. Her mother should have never made a deal with me. We cant kill her but we can make her aware of who is inside her. The only way someone can expel you out is someone stronger then you, or an arch angel them selves. So I would suggest you lay low because we dont need trouble for sure. A slight nod was all the being offered to the shadowed one. Who was this being standing beside her, he was called among others The Cloaked one, or for more simpler terms, Shadow. Who was he, what was he? Sir, if we let her know how am I to handle the situation if it where to come out of hand, what if her friends, or whom ever she is with is to become aware of this and take action? Walking around to the opposite side of her on the other side of the island he placed his elbows on the counter top and folded his satin black gloved hands and spoke. If they were to intervene then they deal with me, I can simply expel you out and enter her. Angels know to not cross me I have the power to strike them down. Her friends, will try to inform her in any way. We must convince her they are not good for her. Her head turned and she looked back as the being inside her spoke. So we isolate her from those that care for her the most? Seems very strategic, but what are your plans Master? A demonic growl purred from him as he pressed his finger tips together. She will become queen of this race we have created, that I have created. A simple nod was all that was seen from her and the shadowed figure stood back up and grinned. Very well, I will leave you to your assignment, I know you will not fail me in the least. Just do not try and make yourself aware to those around her yet, at least not until I get to have them. In moments the figure left and so did the being inside her. A small blink from her eyes and they switched back to there normal soulful like color. No memory would she have of what just happened, only loss of time. Closing the bottle she placed it back in the cabinet and closed the french doors to her backyard that lead to the back porch. Scarlet closed the blinds around her home and walked to her room. Calling it a night she turned her bed down as fear began to start coming in. Laying in bed she looked up at the ceiling as her hands were folded at her waist resting over the covers she wondered. What was her true family like, who was her mother, her father, was he a cruel being since being a demon? Scarlet figured that when she woke up in the morning shed pull out her lap top and a few of her books to do some research on it all to find out what this was about, for now she would at least get some rest. Turning on her side she pulled the covers up over her and inhaled a sharp breath then closed her eyes as she began to fall asleep.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 08:32:14 +0000

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