As a Conservative, I very strongly dislike the extremely negative - TopicsExpress


As a Conservative, I very strongly dislike the extremely negative and offensive rhetoric I see aimed constantly at Michelle Obama. Conservatives are supposed to be BETTER and NICER and KINDER and MORE DECENT than liberals. If Michelle does something thats truly offensive, well, its okay to criticize her for it. Thats fine. But when people start calling her a tranny and other loathsome terms, I tune out. Other people do, too. Theres just no sense in being mean-spirited and hateful. Modern First Ladies are supposed to pick a cause and try to effect change in that area of concern. Laura Bushs cause was getting people, especially kids, to read. Michelle Obamas cause is to try to get kids to eat right and exercise with her Lets Move initiative. Childhood obesity is an epidemic in this country. Just look at pictures of peoples kids on facebook. Sure, little Johnny is cute. But hes a little porker, and will end up in a bad way (diabetes for you?) if he doesnt change his diet and exercise habits. Its a worthy cause, just like Laura Bushs was. Being mean-spirited and just outright hateful doesnt float my boat, but it DOES trip my trigger. We have other, WORTHY people to criticize.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 20:54:42 +0000

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