As a Crossfit athlete I loathe working on the stuff I am bad at. - TopicsExpress


As a Crossfit athlete I loathe working on the stuff I am bad at. Muscle ups, bar muscle ups, toes to bar.. things like that. Its not fun because its a lot of failing and progress is slow so its not like a mile time where I can drop it down by 5 seconds week by week.. there are good days and there are really sucky ones where I feel like i am regressing. Perhaps you Crossfit too and you get it. Or perhaps you are just trying to be your best version of yourself and you understand because not every day can be filled with rainbows and sunshine and some days you regress too. What is important is that we take something from each session or each day. What can be learned here? What did we gain from the experience? Even if its the understanding of what we shouldnt do or what we dont want, something can be taken from each experience and its important to recognize that. How do you relate to this?
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 17:10:01 +0000

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