As a Juvenile Court Probation Officer for Clayton County Georgia I - TopicsExpress


As a Juvenile Court Probation Officer for Clayton County Georgia I did not come into the job “bright eyed” and sure that if I was just sincere enough everyone would stop breaking the law, get on the path of the straight and narrow and become model citizens. I had spent a few years working in the Mission Department of First Baptist Dallas, Texas and so I had seen death, destruction, suffering and want. I understood the evil that sin had brought into this world and the hurt it caused. By the time I went to work for the Court I had stopped “preaching for a living” and “got a real job”. So it was not a great big surprise when I had to file a violation against a kid who I had never even met ( I just got his file a day before) but was already in trouble again after his first court date two days previous. He had been a good student, a pitcher on the school baseball team and an overall good kid. But he had now missed school so many times (100 out of 180) that the court was involved. He had long since stopped with sports, and spent little time at home. I was prepared for the craziness of the case but it was there that I learned some valuable life lessons. When this young man showed up for his hearing his speech was slurred and his eyes were watery. He looked as though he had slept in his close in the yard for the previous two days and he was surley and uncooperative. When we went in before the judge I read my customary report (which was minimal because I had not even met with him) and his response was, “Mr. Bonner is a damn liar”. When my supervisor stood to explain the case and interjected that the young man appeared to be in attending court “stoned” the outburst for the aforesaid defendant (a little of the old legal talk) got him handcuffed and shipped down to the Youth Detention Center for a weekend attitude adjustment. First lesson. In speaking to the judge after their sons arrest the parents asked if I would come to their house. Well that was part of the plan if the child had given me a few days to make an appointment but I went ahead and set up a meeting later that day. Upon arriving at the house I found the child’s room had a commercial metal door with a dead bolt and a the same set up leading from his room to the outside (se he had his own ingress and egress,…with a lock). The room was painted black, decorated in assorted concert posters and the flag hanging from the ceiling had numerous “roach clips” attached for easy access. I collected up in plain view 14 marijuana cigarettes and enough extras to build a few more. With that much weed in his room there was no way his parents wouldn’t have been able to smell the “teen spirit” coming from his lair. Lesson two. Our Country votes overwhelmingly to change the leadership in our country from Democrat to Republican. Yet the surly President and his friends in the Congress and the Media say the people in the pew who want a change “are damn liars”. The accuse us of being the problem and threaten us if we don’t follow their continued path. Well, taking a page from the courthouse, time to hog tie these little thugs and send then down to the jail for some time out. You see, just like at the courthouse there were rules and laws that were our roadmap and those who tried to circumvent them usually found it a “hard row to hoe”. Secondly, there will continue to be those (like a friend who posted last night as to how stupid it was not to follow the President and the Dems) who will ignore the obvious and continue to live in their cocoon, or vacuum or bong…or where ever the Hell they are staying….and miss the truth that the Country has laws and that the President and his little friends are not allowed to shut down Congress (Harry Reid) allow Black Panthers to stop folks from voting (Mr. Holder) or open the borders just cause you want a new class of slaves (Mr. President). But just like the courthouse,….there is a rule of law,…and like so many more thugs before you this imperfect system still has enough power to eventually chase you down and “bring you to heel”. So, like the courthouse I will continue to follow the laws and make them my guide and I will continue to push our Congressmen to ignore the “let’s all get along crowd” who were soundly defeated…and stand for what’s right….and that’s more than enough. I’ll see y’all on the off ramp.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 14:33:23 +0000

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