As a Samoan girl, I was forced to grow up quickly and put aside - TopicsExpress


As a Samoan girl, I was forced to grow up quickly and put aside childish dreams. By the age of 8, I was cooking and cleaning. By the age of 9, we stopped expecting birthday gifts and christmas gifts because we knew we couldnt afford it. By the age of 11 I was showering my Grandma so my mother could get some rest before her graveyard shift. By the age of 12 I was taught how to drive so my Dad could have a rest when we would drive home from farms after he had worked a 10 hour shift before hand. By the age of 14 I was already a good actor and knew how to put on a mask in front of my friends in school. By the age of 15, suicide and thoughts of being ugly started to dance in my mind. By the age of 16, I was already stressing out about high expectations from my parents academically, and I was already reaching rock bottom. By the age of 18, suicidal thoughts became louder and my dad lost his battle with cancer. By the age of 19 I found God through the loss of my Dad. By the age of 20, I was able to look into a mirror and see nothing but beauty. By the age of 21, my best friend and brother lost his battle with cancer. By the age of 23, I graduated University, got a job and I am able to dream again. We are all faced with our own battles during our lifetime, how you choose to deal with them is up to you. You can let these battles define you or you can lace up your shoes and run through them. As a pacific woman, I understand the many obstacles pacific youth are faced with and I speak to you directly.. You will make it. Work hard, study hard but pray harder and you will accomplish your wildest dreams. There is nothing that you cannot do. Youre Perfect. Youre Beautiful. Help me save a soul and share with people you know need it :) Love and blessings NancyM
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 08:34:39 +0000

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