As a big THANK YOU to my UK fans for giving my newest release an - TopicsExpress


As a big THANK YOU to my UK fans for giving my newest release an amazing rank on Amazon, here is a SNEAK PEEK chapter of Blood Lines: The Utley Tribe Part I. **LIVE NOW FOR ONLY $0.99/£0.77 PENNIES!!!!!! FREE ON KINDLE UNLIMITED!!!!!!!** Amazon US: Amazon UK: Amazon AU: Amazon CA: **SNEAK PEEK CHAPTER* It took a while, but my dad finally managed to calm me down enough to take a relaxing shower. The stream of the water felt amazing coursing through my long hair. I remained in the water until my fingertips became like prunes. The house had been empty since my father took my mother out for dinner. I decided to wrap a towel around myself and trudge through the house to somewhat air-dry. My skin felt like it was glistening as I strolled down the stairs. Walking into the kitchen, I opened the refrigerator door. I gathered everything to make a sandwich. “There she is…my beautiful woman.” A male voice said, hugging me from behind while I was still bent over. I jumped up faster than a pop-tart in a toaster. “Excuse me! What in the hell do you think you’re doing?!” quickly turning around to face him. The look on his face went from happy to embarrassed-as-hell in a matter of seconds once he recognized I was not the person he obviously thought. “You are so not Emily. You look like Emily, but you are definitely not her. Samantha?” He asked, staring at me in curiosity as he looked down at my ensemble. “Nice dress.” I nodded. “Um…yeah…I’m Samantha. Why does my father allow you to grope my mother like that?” A sly smile appeared on his face. “Your mother and I go way back. What are you doing back home?” “Right now, I am roaming around my parent’s house in my towel and feeling like an idiot in front of a handsome man. A naked and damp idiot.” I confessed. “You think I’m handsome?” He asked, grinning devilishly at me. “I’m Collin Utley by the way. I see you are making a sandwich.” I nodded a little, tucking my wet hair behind my ear. “Ugh…yeah…I figured I would take advantage of having the house to myself for a few hours. Now I feel awkward standing here sopping wet and in a towel. I’m going to go get dressed.” I felt completely embarrassed as I walked upstairs to my room. If I could have died right then, I would have. Here I was…minding my own business, fresh out of the shower, and attempting to make a sandwich. Then all of a sudden, a man grabs me only because he thinks I’m my mother. Which…I’m not even going to open up that door! The man who fondled me happened to be absolutely gorgeous. He seriously looked like he walked out of a magazine. His gray eyes, dirty blond hair, towering height, and skinny but also muscular build gave me cold chills when I looked at him. What’s wrong with me? Typically, I’m a cocky know-it-all around men. I usually don’t blush, but there was something different about this man. “Would you care to go on a walk with me?” Collin asked when I walked back into the kitchen after getting dressed. I couldn’t help but smile. “Did you wait around just to ask me to go on a walk?” “Only if you say yes. If not, I’m going to be the guy who got shot down by the naked and damp woman bent over in her parents’ fridge.” He said with a grin, holding out his hand. “What do you say?” I took a hold of his hand, instantly feeling a spark in his touch. My eyes looked up to meet his and that’s when it hit me. “It’s you. You’re the guy who was with Gabriel at the club. The man who couldn’t keep his eyes off me.” “Yeah. That was me. Allow me to apologize for the other night.” He followed me out of the house, keeping a hold of my hand as we walked. “I would like to show you the new house I bought. That is, if you don’t mind.” I looked over at him. “Apology accepted. You’re moving here?” He smiled a little. “Yeah. I mean, why not? Most of my friends are here and the naked greetings are rather amusing.” “You’re not going to let me live the towel thing down, are you?” I asked, rolling my eyes. “What was that? Did you just roll your eyes at me?” He wondered, staring at me with too much amusement for comfort. I pursed my lips, shaking my head. “Oh no. I would never do such a thing.” “Welcome to my new home.” He stopped and looked at me with a smile. My eyes widened at the sight of how huge his house was. The place had to have been recently built because I don’t remember ever seeing it growing up. “Wow. Very nice place.” looking over at him. “I’m impressed.” “I finished moving in last night. Would you like to see the inside?” He asked, holding out the key. I snatched the key out of his hand and ran to the front door. Unlocking and pushing it open, I strolled into the mansion. It took me by utter surprise that the inside looked like those homes featured in a magazine that every housewife in America envies. I was assuming the place would have the look and feel of a bachelor pad instead of a home ready for a family. “The house is completely furnished.” Collin spoke with a proud grin. “It is only missing one important piece…you.” My feet nearly tripped over air after hearing him say that. “Whoa-what did you just say?” He took a few steps and his body was nearly pressed against mine. “My name is Collin William Utley, your father’s adopted brother for all intense and purposes. I am a very wealthy man and have everything a person could ever need or want…except you. I want, and need, you to live here with me.” “Alright. I’m missing something here. Why do you need me to live here with you?” I asked, trying to wrap my head around his words. “I have been waiting a long time for you, Samantha Emilia Utley.” He said. “Your parents have finally given me their blessing to court you…if you so to wish.” I smiled a little. “Court me? I’m guessing you’re much older than you appear.” He wrapped an arm around my waist, placing his hand on the small of my back. “We will talk about my old ass later. Miss Samantha Emilia Utley, will you do me the honor and move in with me?” I peeled my eyes away from his to look around the room. “You know…the house is pretty gorgeous.” Looking back over at him. “Before I agree to move in or anything, you will take me on a date. If you are serious about all of this, you may pick me up for dinner tomorrow.” “Tomorrow night it is then.” He said with a smile, holding my body close to his. It took nearly all my might to keep from stripping out of my clothes. My panties were already damp and Collin being this charming made it difficult to control myself. He lightly squeezed my ass while his nose was buried in my neck. “You are aware that was my ass you just grabbed and not my mother’s, right?” I smirked, staring up into his eyes. Oh damn…it’s going to be hard keeping my legs closed around him!
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 06:44:43 +0000

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