As a black person in America, its getting exhausting to still have - TopicsExpress


As a black person in America, its getting exhausting to still have to explain, in the year 2014, your right to exist in this country. To explain that you are a human being whose value sits no lower than anyone elses. To explain our basic humanity. And perhaps worst of all, to explain exactly why we are outraged. We shouldnt have to explain why its not acceptable for unarmed teenagers to be gunned down by the police. We shouldnt have to explain why even though Mike Browns life didnt matter to you or a Ferguson police officer, it mattered to someone. We shouldnt have to explain that the clothes we wear dont protect us against, or make us more susceptible to, violence. Four little girls were bombed in their church dresses and Martin Luther King Jr. was gunned down in a suit and tie. We shouldnt have to explain that the right to due process—that which was not afforded to Mike Brown—is in the Constitution of the United States of America. In fact, its in there twice. We shouldnt have to explain why the correct response to these tragedies is not, but what about black on black crime? 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites and no one ever attempts to undermine any of the senseless violence they suffer. We shouldnt have to explain that the punishment for even the most heinous crimes in our country is not a public execution without a trial. We shouldnt have to explain why we dont trust cops when a number of eyewitnesses tell a consistent and vastly different story than that of the police officer who murdered Mike Brown. We shouldnt have to explain why we fight back when we are attacked. We shouldnt have to explain why we deserve the same protections and rights afforded to every other citizen of America. But maybe you can help with some other questions I have, because I am at a loss. Can you explain why Mike Brown was gunned down in the street while James Eagan Holmes, who killed twelve people and injured 70 others after opening fire in a movie theater, was escorted into a squad car? Can you explain why Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is still alive but Mike Brown isnt? What about Jared Lee Loughner? Can you explain why Mike Browns body was left uncovered in the middle of the street for hours for any reason other than to send a message to his community? Can you explain why a black man is killed by the policeevery 28 hours in this country? Can you explain why media outlets reporting on his death used the photo of Mike Brown on the left instead of the right? Can you explain why the Ferguson Police Department disproportionally searches black people while thecontraband hit rate for white people is higher? Can you explain the complete disregard for black life that resulted in the deaths of John Crawford, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Tarika Wilson, Malcolm Ferguson, Renisha McBride, Amadou Diallo, Yvette Smith, Oscar Grant, Sean Bell, Kathryn Johnston and Rekia Boyd? Can you explain why the police rolled up to a candlelight vigil in SWAT gear? Better yet, can you explain any of that to Mike Browns mother? #realtalk
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 02:15:55 +0000

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