As a cancer survivor, you better believe I’ve overcome hardships - TopicsExpress


As a cancer survivor, you better believe I’ve overcome hardships in my life. I know what it’s like to feel sick, weak, uncertain, insecure, isolated, lifeless, and depressed. Battling cancer during my late teenage years was traumatic, but at the end of the day, it taught me more than my 13 + years of formal education ever could. I’m hoping my journey can help enlighten others the way it helped enlighten me. Here are five lessons I learned from my experience. 1. Life is short. One minute you can be full of life, giggling like a child, and have the entire world in your hands. The next minute, your entire world can be turned upside down. Therefore, you must live each day as if it’s your last. Abandon fears and limiting beliefs. Take massive action toward your cause, whatever it may be. Show your mother, spouse, or children that you appreciate them. Be spontaneous. Do whatever it is that you want to do while you have the opportunity to do it—because you only get one shot. 2. Health is your most valuable entity. If you are unhealthy, your life experiences are limited. On the contrast, when you are healthy, your life experiences are enhanced. You feel energetic, radiant, abundant, clear, and fulfilled. It is scientifically proven that the frequency you emit is contagious to those around you. Would you prefer to energize your peers, or make them seek outside stimulation? Would you prefer to spend quality time with your spouse and children, or would you rather watch TV and throw an iPad at the kids so you can get some rest? Get healthy now. 3. Be grateful. Whatever negative situations you encounter in life, it could always be worse. If you are stuck in traffic, be grateful that you don’t have a flat tire; if you have a flat tire, be grateful that you don’t have a tumor; if you have a tumor, be grateful that you live in a country that offers helpful resources. When you wake up each morning, write down at least five things you are grateful for. This exercise forces you to focus on the positives, overlook the negatives, and start each day with a warm sensation in your heart—regardless of the situation. 4. Control your state. Whether you are screaming at your dog for crapping on the rug or laughing at your dog for eating crap, your emotional state is constantly fluctuating. While you cant always control the emotions you experience, you can control the way you handle them. Therefore, if you are experiencing negative emotions, you can either release them or let them consume you. When you suppress negative energy, it has a lingering effect on your subconscious mind. This interferes with your success, health, happiness, etc. Learn to let go. 5. Live in the moment. Due to the rising number of distractions in the world, less and less people are fully present at any given time. All too often, people are hung up on past failures. Others are so hung up anticipating future happiness that they fail to recognize all that they need to feel happy is within them right now. In order to maximize your life, you must live in the present. Simply appreciate everything for what it is. Begin to observe and sense your surroundings. Look at the colors of the sky, feel the breeze on your skin, post the poems you’ve been too afraid to share, make your first sales call. Do whatever you can do in the present to make the best of it. I hope this post made you think. If you enjoyed it, please share it with your friends and loved ones. If this helps just one person, I will feel like I’ve done my job. Keara Palmay
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 14:18:30 +0000

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