As a country we are too kind, Patient Zero should be put down and - TopicsExpress



As a country we are too kind, Patient Zero should be put down and incinerated he isnt even an American citizen and thus truly not worth the risk of keeping or treating ( Harsh, I know. ) within the confines of our country. The risk is high, mistakes are made by medical professionals every day. Every person he came into contact with should be FORCE quarantined. Our borders should be closed to ALL regions currently infested with Ebola and its neighbors. Im sick of hearing this not airborne crap. Its considered not air borne by goverment definition. Airlines were issued orders to stop using methods of cleaning that would stir up potentially infected droplets. Why is this? Oh yes... Its because sneezing puts droplets of spit into the air and onto surfaces. This is a fact. Coughing projects droplets of spit into the air and onto surfaces. This is a fact. Speaking closely within a few feet of another person can project liquid droplets of spittle onto them. This is a fact. Ebola is a brutal virus I respect simply for its savagery and efficieny with some strains having a 90% mortality rate. Yet we continue to want to send aid workers ( US citizens, and troops.. ) to infected regions with the CDC predicting up to 1.5 million infections by January. Why? #thanksobama for failing at simple and logical cost/risk analysis. #ebola
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 08:38:46 +0000

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