As a couple weeks turned into a few more day, now finally less - TopicsExpress


As a couple weeks turned into a few more day, now finally less than 24 hours before I leave on my walk to Ottawa, a few more people have been stopped into provide me with some of the necessities as well as an anonymous donor that emailed a money transfer into the account for Homeless Happens Helping Hands set up with the help of the awesome staff at TD Canada Trust on Talbot street (there are numerous reasons I actually pay mind to these bankers, they restored my faith in banking corporations at this branch and are always amazing to myself and many other customers I see when there), My friend Barb confirmed on Saturday night that I will be taking the train home as a Christmas present from her as well as acknowledging my effort and the fact that she is fortunate enough in life but not wealthy, too afford to help, my friend Kim provided me with band aids, juice drink drop things to go in Water bottles (thats the new name for them!), a package of razors, kleenex, a couple lighters, some lip chap crap (thats the new name for it), a couple disposable water vapour cigarette fake doohickey smoke things (that is the new name for those! ), my wonderful friend and one of the people I hope to be like when I grow up Sandra emailed money to the Homeless Happens Helping Hands account set up for this mission to get mmmm coffee , Saturday night in Woodstock my friend/brother and person I hope to be like when I grow up and look up to for so many reasons Merv Leyte brought me a hiking backpack (the one I said not to get cause there are cheaper ones you can get used) it is actually so much more than a hiking backpack it is made by Obus Forme and is designed to help with back problems as well as prevent them. I have been provided these things as well as the things in the previous pictures from my friend and huge help to the community Daleen provided me with the things I mentioned in the video and that are in the last picture, Antoine Trad Landlord and Awesome friend and another person of four I hope to be like when I grow up provided me with some of the funds I will need to get ensure drinks along the way, Terry Baisley brother/friend guitar player in the band that abducts me from reality each time I am fortunate enough to make it to their show and one more of the four I wanna be like when I grow up provided me with a Tim Hortons Card, pair of gloves, warm rain pants & jacket, warm socks An amazing lady and friend Wendy Queen also in the same band as Terry and Merv (Hurtin Merv) and wife of Merv set me up with an appointment to get amazing pair of shoes for my walk. I am falling asleep typing this and have way too much to do for that to happen. I think I about almost kinda probably got it all except!!!!! Marla at the Y provided me with a Tim Hortons card via Cheryl from the Y. My friend Tara emailed money to get something I may need along the way to the same account mentioned previously, Pastor Cusick provided me with two Chargers for my phone, Nancy and Earl Taylor provided me with enough to get a couple meals while I am out. K I think I got it all. Oh Yeah! My awesome friend Jamie text me on the weekend to say she never saw the day coming that she would be out buying long johns for me but had done just that and will drop them to me today. I truly am blessed man! Oh yeah right! The anonymous donor from last night said she will also be dropping off some vitamin C tablets for me tonight! I think that covers it so far, I have heard numerous people say they want to provide something and if they are able will be by today before I close this afternoon. I dont think it is not necessary to provide details past my girlfriend provided me with a necklace for various reasons to wear as I travel.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 15:30:09 +0000

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