As a developer this incident have happened thrice in my life all - TopicsExpress


As a developer this incident have happened thrice in my life all allegations and abuse we all have gone through that. We have seen greats like Chainfire and we have seen greats like Koushik dutta and we have seen greats like Steve kondik . let me introduced the father of them all who writes all cyanogenmod and slimroms code by himself and gives us a nexus 5 experience Rom. Yeah you read it write. We are developers and enthusiast who make ROMs and apps by ourself and by cherrypicking from different sources giving the author original credit and keeping their names intact as Android is open-source. As compared to ios yes android is way better as it is opensourced and gives the users a freedom to customize the operating system as they wish just like GNu/Linux and Unix we spent our whole life to study codes and modify them in the source itself and upload our and host our work on this beautiful site github which was made by the man who made the Linux kernel. Linus trovalds but this things have some licensing attach to it which General Public licenses which can be found here there are various clauses we have to abide by to. And these are laws or you may say commandments for an Open-source developer There are several clauses in these licenses another being the apache license if I may have forgotten it But the point is there are clauses which are broken several times but overlooked by certain people And yes its been overlooked by us too in the past and we have accepted our mistakes. We got this awesome dev here name Anderson Argao from Brazil he is gonna sue my friend cristiano Matos who is also from Brazil and an awesome and a notable figure in custom ROMs or Os making with his crdroid ROM He himself being modest says I am no developer but an enthusiast but we feel he is a good dev in every aspect of ROM making. But MR. Anderson goes on to copy every feature from the community ROMs like Cyanogenmod and slim ROMs and in the process goes on to copy Cristianos code as well. When Cristiano comes to know about this the and asked Mr. Anderson about it the person denied he never copied instead Cristiano copied it. Well digging in more we came to know Anderson doesnt even know the basics of java which is an essential part in writing api which perform certain actions in the operating system itself. He was so shamed that he never replied back after that. When asked for the KitKat branch sources he made repositories private in bitbucket ( a github like website or an alternative to github) and denied making the source public. Well lets comeback to the clause we broke and now we are concious about and we follow them before releasing our product Give proper authorship to the code that was written by someone else if working on an open-source operating system and open-source it or rather if you are not just give credits to the people or the organization from whom you took the code. The clauses as if the original author comes to know the wrong doing of someone 1- inform and request the developer to retain proper authorship politely and a respectful manner 2- if he doesnt request him again 3- warn him 4- publicly insult him Well we tried the first three and the person on the contrary says all the code in his ROM is his own and not of any one else and he doesnt want to give credits to anyone else. And even accuses cristiano Matos of copying his code as we know who originally made it Now this man accuses to sue us as we insulted him in public with those screenshots of his denial to the fact he is so stubborn he thinks himself as a big developer like the names I stated above. I feel pity for this guy as we all he is earning donations from the works he is doing with his ROM Nexus5 experience I feel pity for him. If he is doing this we all Know the Tk Tech news saga This is an utter fraud in my opinion for earning from others work where he can just thank those guys. In my opinion Mr.Anderson Argao you are commiting an utter fraud and a nuisance with the users of custom ROMs In my honest opninions you are just commiting a fraud and offences like this have severe punishments Please go ahead and file a lawsuit against all of us who insulted you lets see who wins the case And I sense if this happens I see a new Tk Tech news like saga out here Dont disgrace the whole android community with your nuisance. THIS IS THE REAL ANDERSON ARGAO. AND I DEMAND A BAN FOR HIM FROM XDA MORE REPORTS OF THE CONVERSATION ARE HERE Please share this and let everyone in every operating system and ROM community know GPL can be found here And apache here Cristianos github can be found here https://github/cristianomatos https://github/crdroidandroid Please reshare this in every rom related community possible
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 00:28:49 +0000

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