As a follow-up message to his quote below…Wake up, the game is - TopicsExpress


As a follow-up message to his quote below…Wake up, the game is over, Daniel has these words of wisdom to share that came through telepathically and were verified via FC (facilitated communication…) Know that this statement is meant to say more than we can realize right now. It came to me privately, yet it personifies a vast intelligence. There is much to draw from this short cryptic utterance. Yet the only thing that I can say now in this moment is... prepare, not in a physical way, not by doing anything, just prepare your heart to know. For this message is a message to the heart. There are deeper levels and layers in our divine heart chamber that have been sleeping, you could say. But no longer can they sleep, no longer is sleeping beneficial or healthy. This is a call to the heart to shed its protective shield that has been a bit of a safety mechanism for being in a rather tough and chaotic world. Yet the world is changing. Not that its edges and happenings are not still chaotic and difficult at times, but to be a part of the new world that is coming, the new world that is birthing, we have to shed our skins of the old world experiences and ways of being, with much defending, much protecting, much isolation... Isnt that a funny statement from a nonverbal autistic whose soul group is reputed to love and live in isolation? And yet, beloved that is far from the truth. Many of us gather on high creating waves and currents to support this new earth birthing, along with many many other constellations of energy, light, love, and compassion. And all that you need to do to be a part of this is to open your heart in a new and profound way. There will be more to be said on that as we progress. And progressing is best done when those of dearness, desiring to be pioneers in this new becoming, join hands and hearts in a group unity blessing and believing way.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 15:30:29 +0000

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