As a foreigner, there are so many concerns when you decide to - TopicsExpress


As a foreigner, there are so many concerns when you decide to start a family in Shenzhen. One of the main concerns is medical care for giving birth. As a husband and a father, I know that being a mother is not easy. So as much as we could afford, I would always choose the best medical care for my wife. I have 2 children. Manfred was born in Hong Kong Matilda Hospital (山顶医院), which is an excellent hospital. Hong Kongs medical care is world renowned. As that is not very relevant in this forum, so I wont delve into the details here. If you wish to know more, you can always send me a message. Mandy was born in Shenzhen Home Hospital (和美医院), which is a private hospital specialized in maternity (giving birth) and pediatric (infant and children) medical care. The medical fees are not cheap but they give top notch health care service (compared to other Chinese hospitals in general) and great environment. The facilities were new and looked meticulous. The staff were very professional. You will definitely feel that your comfort and safety is very important to them. We took the caesarian section option and all in all (including all the prenatal checkups, hospital stay and operation) we spent about 50k RMB. They took good care of my wife and she had a great childbirth experience. The room we stayed had a sofa, which can be converted to a single bed. So I could stay there together with her for the whole duration. The meals there were fantastic (at least from a Chinese perspective). Services such as daily breasts massage with hot towel (to induce breast milk), daily on bed hair wash by a nurse, daily maternity sanitary pad change, disinfection and gauze change, frequent baby inspections and diaper changes, all impressed us a lot. Even Matilda Hospital did not have such services. They took good care of Mandy too. Everyday, they would take her to have swim bath (really swim, with float around her neck), and gave her a whole body massage with baby oil. She must have felt great! They also took pictures of her while swimming. They would teach us how to feed Mandy, encouraged my wife on breastfeeding. The nurses and doctors were all very caring and friendly. The food there was great. Each meal consisted of two meat dishes and one vegetable dish. There was always Chinese herbal soup which was absolutely delicious. The portions were generous and I could always eat with my wife and still couldnt finish all the food. The welcome gift for the hospital stay was a nice touch. It included a pack of Huggies diapers, a pack of maternity sanitary pads, 2 Pigeon brand milk bottles, wet tissues, two small towels, a nice and thick large bath towel, Colgate tooth brush, Colgate tooth paste, shampoo and shower gel, etc. All were very useful items that we could put to good use right away! The gifts were of high quality. After we left the hospital, about one month later, the hospital sent a pediatrician (Doctor) to our home to visit. She gave Mandy a detailed assessment and body check, asked how we managed, inspected Mandys sleeping quarters for safety concerns, then gave us lots of advice and complimented on how health Mandy was, that we did a great job at keeping her healthy and happy. Mandy also got a free swimming ticket, which we used during one of her post operation checkups. We watched her floating on water and happily kicking. They told us that swimming is good for babys brain and motor development. So we actually bought a baby swimming tub and baby float for Mandy to swim. One very important advantage for choosing Home Hospital is that we did not have to spend a single cent of Red Packet money. All the doctors, nurses, general staff were absolutely professionals, with patient care as their top priority. They served with genuine care and concern which we could feel from the bottom of our hearts. We did not have to beg / threaten / bribe anyone to get anything done, which we were really grateful! So we felt that we did right to spend more money on quality health care rather than to spend more money on bribes to get priority service (which may not be quality), not to mention the awkwardness to do the bribing (we dont like that and dont know how). Ill post some photos of the hospital and the room we stayed when I have time. Thank you for reading!
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 18:05:41 +0000

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